Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – Feb. 9, 2018

Highway from Connecticut

Downtown — Prudential Tower, Boston

Street corner, downtown Boston

Sidewalk by Fenway Park

Scaffold bridge – Boston with Prudential Tower

Categories: #Photography, Boston, Cee's Photo Challenge, city, Traffic, Transportation, Travel

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10 replies

  1. I do love those colour photos. To see green and summer like conditions is pure heaven.


    • I’ve been targeting folder from May, June, July, and August because I need some colors too. It turns out I have thousands of pictures I’ve never processed. And most of them are summer pictures pictures because that’s when i take most of my pictures.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. How did you get that one Boston photo without cars on the road. Wonderful entry. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pure luck … and driving in during the hour after lunch and before the great exodus began. But mostly, luck. Usually, you get a block or two like that and hit gridlock two blocks later. Also, that’s a road with no parking, which also helps.

      Thank you. I’m working on interesting techniques for urban pictures. I wish I had more urban pictures to work with. That would require actually traveling into Boston. If we can get it together and try, it wouldn’t happen until May or June … and I’m not sure we will do it even then.

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    • C, CGI.


  3. Boston looks very well organized

    Liked by 1 person

    • That part of it is, anyway. Then there’s the middle of it which dates to the 1600s – 1700s. That area is much more complicated and messier. More like European cities. Boston is one of the oldest cities in this country. St. Augustine in Florida is the oldest — that goes back to the 1500s. But Boston’s pretty old. Not as old as London or any major European city, of course. But for North America, pretty old.

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