We are a country of babies. Spoiled babies. Over-indulged, entitled babies.

No amendment to the Constitution says that everyone can do whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want. No country could survive the anarchy this would create.

All societies have laws and regulations for a reason. Parents have rules for their toddlers for a reason. We have reached the point in our violent history that the ‘parents’ in the country have to just say “No!” to the toddlers who are running rampant. Let them have a full-blown tantrum in the aisle of the supermarket.

I’m really talking about guns in America. But I don’t want to focus on the politics, which are mind bogglingly corrupt and twisted because of the NRA.

I want to talk about the issue from a sociological/psychological perspective. It’s time someone just said “NO!” to the groups of people who are disrupting our society. “NO!” to the people who want to own AR 15’s outside of the military. You just can’t have that weapon of mass destruction in your bedroom because you like it and want it. You can have some, less lethal guns. If you abide by the normal regulations that govern other things, like cars.

To drive a car, you have to pass several tests to get a license. You need insurance and you have to live by all the rules of the road. Otherwise, you get your license revoked. You also have to get your license renewed regularly and pass an eye exam.

No one screams bloody murder about their Constitutional rights because they can’t drive a Formula One race car on the highway at 140 miles per hour. Or that they have to pass a driving test (actually a written test AND a road test) to be able to drive legally.

The Congressional GOP and the White House are two other groups of people who need to hear a loud “NO!” for a change. Governments only function with compromise. Everyone can’t get exactly what they want all the time. Aren’t you supposed to learn that in Kindergarten? Did the entire GOP and the everyone in the White House all flunk Kindergarten?

Where do elected officials get the chutzpah to insist on ‘My way or the highway’ even if it means shutting down the government? Why do people think it’s okay to bull-doze others on their way to total ‘victory’ for THEIR special interest group?

I don’t have answers to these questions. I feel as if Washington DC is run by people who refuse to live by any of the rules I grew up believing were necessary for a civil society. Is it a fluke? Are the stars misaligned to give us the most childish, selfish, greedy bunch of amoral politicians ever to run our government? Is this some kind of Karmic lesson?

I know the corruption level in government has been better or worse at various times in our history. Washington has often been run entirely on favors traded and bribes offered, but even that assumes acceptance of the concept of compromise. Of give and take. Today it seems like intransigence is the standard, as well as self-righteousness and narcissism.

The impasse on guns is one symptom of our broken system. It’s sad although a majority of NRA members favor reasonable gun control laws such as universal background checks and bans on assault weapons, the NRA (read “gun manufacturers”) have paid off our Congress and our President. They don’t even reflect or represent the will of their own members much less the non-gun-owning public. They don’t care.

I’m optimistic that when Democrats take over the government, hopefully in 2020, we may see more serious gun control legislation. But there will still be plenty of pols who collect a big hunk of their campaign contributions from the NRA and all those Republicans who behave like spoiled toddlers. They will still refuse to play nicely with others.

Trump Republicans are a minority in the U.S. — yet they do an enormous amount of damage and exert a disproportionate amount of control. Hopefully by 2020, they will be relegated to an insignificant minority who we can disregard. Maybe then we can move on.

We can walk past the toddlers and ignore them while they have their tantrums in the aisles of Congress. It’s a welcome thought.

Categories: Childhood, political parties, Politics

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23 replies

  1. My gun loving friends point out that gun rights are in the Constitution while driving rights are not.
    We repealed prohibition. All we want are some sane laws or to amend the amendment. Nothing radical.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We sane people agree. But it’s not about laws or the second amendment. It’s about the amount of money the NRA give to pols.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Perhaps because before the automobile generation, nobody had to have a license to drive a horse….. Just sayin.


      • But that was a LONG time ago. Really, longer than I’ve been alive. Longer than my husband has been alive. I think we can probably move on from there.


        • When I was young, we had some draft horses on the farm that, in season, pulled the hay waggon and the stone (manure and other things) boat, pulled the end of the rope that hauled the hay up through the opening to deposit in the hay mow, that ran from roof to the floor of the hay mow. on either side were the cow barn and the other the horse barn where the bull lived, and the sheep were kept at lambing time. Each of these had a sliding door on both ends so they were drive though operations.


    • The COnstitution actually uses the phrase “well regulated” in reference to gun rights. So why is regulating gun ownership considered to be violating the 2nd Amendment? Noone says you can’t have a gun. Just not army weapons of mass destruction and not if you don’t pass certain basic thresholds of responsibility, sanity and lack of violent tendencies.

      Liked by 1 person

      • And that’s EXACTLY what Virgil Earp says in “Tombstone.” To the word. You see? YOU could have been an Old West sheriff. If you go back in time (reading “Time & Again”), you can be that “Lady Sheriff.”

        Liked by 1 person

    • They all forget the “well regulated “ part.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with you and Marilyn. We are all (from other countries) watching and hoping we don’t catch what you’ve got.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Yup. You are one of many, many people saying the same thing INCLUDING the surviving kids in Parkland, Florida. See “Regulate Guns – Like Everything Else
    which I posted in 2015. And I know I wasn’t the first one to post something like it. It’s the first thing you think about when the idiots say you can’t regulate guns. Of course you can. Everyone else does and so can we.

    That’s what every sane person says. Apparently sanity is not currently in vogue.

    Liked by 4 people