Old Number 2 was one of the long-serving fire trucks in our town. Almost 20 years ago, she was replaced, but no one could bear to scrap her, so she was put out to pasture … literally.

Her rusting hulk stood for years in the empty field across from the post office — where she remained until they decided she was too rusty, old, potentially dangerous and needed to be scrapped — at which point she was adopted.


Undergoing rehab! Photo: Garry Armstrong

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cars and Trucks, Garry Armstrong, Photo A Week Challenge

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10 replies

  1. What a beauty this is! I do hope it gets rescued and done up – including the fire-hot-red paint-job!


    • It has been rescued, but this kind of restorations takes a long time. Every single piece of that rather large truck need to be sanded, polished, restored, and of course, the glass and the engine and the titles. It will take years.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. SAVE THAT THING! IT’S PRICELESS. Yeah, yeah I know that will cost money.
    BUT once it’s eventually long gone – only then will people finally realize what a treasure it was.
    Somebody’s gotta step up and start some kind of campaign. At least cover it – protect it – until it can be recovered.
    It’s hard to believe – when you see all the money that is wasted on stuff – that this won’t be saved.


    • A college kid adopted it and another old truck. He’s got money, too, so I expect eventually he will have it back on the road. He was having trouble getting titles, but hopefully, he solved that problem by now. But he does protect it and he fell in love with it on this blog. That’s why when he realized they were scrapping it, he went after it and took it home.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I hope your town there finds the funds to restore that beautiful old vehicle. Perhaps not to running order, but at least to paint and use some kind of de-rust agent on her. What a treasure!!


    • It’s actually a college kid working in his backyard. The town never has money for anything — except repaving the same piece of road (why not do it right for once and make it last TWO years?) and trying to figure out why the water in town is so disgusting.


  4. I think you mentions she was being restored?
