A Photo a Week Challenge: Nostalgia

Nostalgia. I lost most of my early pictures to the “I love you” virus in the late 1990s. It destroyed every single picture I had stored since I started using a digital camera. I didn’t have a backup. The lesson was most painfully learned.

Now, I have backups. More than one. Multiples. So instead of nostalgic pictures, this is as good a selection of old or older pictures I could find. Some go back to the early-1940s. Most are more recent.


Really old friend.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Marilyn Armstrong, old photograph, Photo A Week Challenge

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20 replies

  1. Marilyn, you were in your Joan Baez look in those days. So well remembered.


  2. I also went for photos for nostalgia. I love your collages and the collection. Beautiful. I am sure they come with beautiful memories too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful photos, Marilyn. Thanks for sharing. And I’m so sorry you lost so many of your images. That is heartbreaking.


    • it was funny. I wasn’t backing up pictures because they weren’t work-related. I wasn’t thinking about how much they meant to me personally. After I lost them, it suddenly became clear there was more to life than work!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for taking us along on your memory lane. Your photos are astonishing and always inspire me. I am truly sorry about the loss of those early photos, but sometimes we do indeed learn something from our mistakes and hopefully correct the issue so it doesn’t happen again.


  5. Wonderful collection of photos!

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  6. I guess you don’t realize how important those photos are until something like that happens. I would be heart broken to lose ours.


  7. I read about the “I Love You” virus in one of David’s books, he was always interested in computer crime. I think you are the first person I’ve met who was a victim of it. Although people take many more photos these days I think that many of them will be lost due to changes in technology, viruses or just failure to back up. I have photo albums and boxes of slides which I had to leave behind when I was evacuated during the fires but I did take my portable hard drive with all my more recent photos on it. I don’t actually know who would want my photos after I’m gone but as long as I’m here I want them.

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  8. These are still great photos with lots of memories, Marilyn. These viruses are really doing no good, sorry to hear about losing your older collection.
    Regards, Teresa

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  1. IN THE SPIRIT OF DOING WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING … Marilyn Armstrong | Serendipity Seeking Intelligent Life on Earth