THE LONG DELAY ENDS – Marilyn Armstrong

FOWC with Fandango — Delay

For the last six years … maybe a bit longer … Rich Paschall has been working with us on Serendipity. We never met but we lived in hope. This weekend, he is here.

It only took six years … and his flight out of Chicago was 131 minutes delayed. I know because that’s what it said on the Spirit Airlines arrivals information. A long delay and made even longer by airport delays. I have to assume it was weather-related. There are storms everywhere across North America and it was raining here, too.

Aren’t we glad that climate change is a Chinese piece of fake news? Who knows what it would be like were it true!

I don’t have any pictures because he is still sleeping … wearing off Chicago time. Garry has a luncheon and is doing his long prep time in the shower and I’m trying to drink this coffee and I think I’m going to go make a new pot. This stuff is not great. I think it got stale.

I can’t believe it’s another gray, damp day. Will the rain gods ever leave town? Maybe it will brighten up later? We can surely hope!

Rich has filled in for me when I was sick … which has been far too often. He has always been here, even though he has been there. A welcome guest and a good friend. Who says online friends aren’t the “real deal”?

So Rich is finally here and remarkably, he is exactly like the person I expected. Sometimes, things are indeed what you expect. In a good way.

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Marilyn Armstrong, Rich Paschall, Storms, Weather

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24 replies

  1. Isn’t it amazing how a blogger you’ve known for years turns out to be exactly like you pictured him/her when you finally meet in person? That’s happened to me several times. I guess we come to know each other so well through our words and pictures that we become like family to each other.


  2. How delightful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  3. So neat, after knowing each other only online!


  4. Have a good time and enjoy


  5. How wonderful to meet! The rain is endless here too. So dreary and cold for June. Enjoy your visit despite what the weather throws at you!


  6. Well that’s great news. I hope your visit together is all you both expect! 🙂


  7. Rich Raschall? I thought it was Rich Paschal.


  8. What a wonderful thing to meet each other, finally. Hoping the weather clears up so you can enjoy some outdoor activities! Have fun!
    Say ‘hi’ to Rich from a fellow Chicagoan. 🙂


  9. After yesterdays entire day washout, I didn’t think it was supposed to rain today. Looks like a downpour all day today as well… Anyway, glad you finally got to meet Rich and that he is there. Hope you all enjoy the visit!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I think there will be a lot of talking but hopefully a chance to get out and show him the neighbourhood too.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s always nice to finally meet someone you’ve never met before in the real world and have them turn out to be exactly as you hoped and expected them to be. Enjoy your visit with him despite the uncooperative weather.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I hope you have a wonderful meeting
