I’ve always loved time travel stories, especially when they have happy endings. I used to think I’d love to be back in the Old West.

Ya know where I’m going with this. A man of color rides into town riding a handsome horse, wearing fine clothing — and two guns. You can see the women, kids, and cattle running for their lives.

All the alkies are lined up outside the town saloon staring at the stranger, whispering to one another as they gulp their cheap hooch. The saloon gals stare in fascination, their big boobs rising in anticipation over their wonder bras.

The sheriff dashes in to check his wanted posters, the colored section. The town bully sullenly sniffs his glue for some extra courage. The prim school teacher smiles, a warm inviting smile, suggesting that all are welcome in her classroom.

Meanwhile, the Choir in the old church is singing “Nearer My God To Thee”.

The colored gunslinger just keeps riding down Main Street, past the Chinese laundry and chop suey joint without stopping. Ever so slowly, he rides out of town. A small boy runs after the stranger, yelling “Come back, Stranger! Come back! We want you! We need you! Come back, please! We’re all ready for a lynching! Come back, Mister!”

The stranger keeps riding, softling humming “Kumbaya” as his profile disappears in the dust that rises over the horizon.

Categories: Cartoons, Garry Armstrong, Humor, Racism and Bigotry, Sci Fi - Fantasy - Time Travel, Western movies

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22 replies

  1. I truly dislike that song. Did it have to be “Kumbaya?”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I recently saw a time travel movie that was really touching…. a son follows his father into the past and the father is forced to kill his son for them both to return to the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. And here I was, anticipating the hero of your little tale, to pick a certain sot out of the gutter, and ride off into the sunset with a side kick now in tow. Leaving pseudo-German (Austrian?) fraus crying into their schnitzel. Happy trails to you…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy Trails to you, Baby Sister. Melanie. Come share my campfire. I have a little something for you in my saddlebag.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oooo! A ROOT? 😀 Gotta love them roots…

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ah, Miz Melanie, you’re a spitfire. I like women with fire. Come closer to me, Mis Melanie, let the fire and the roots warm you up. I picked THESE roots — just for you. Miz Melanie – please, don’t touch my buckskin. Look but don’t touch, little lady.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post, Garry. Mel.Brooks would like a word with you. Best, Babsje

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy, Babsje. There’s room on my saddle for you. I’ll sing you an old work song – as we drift along through the tumblin’ tumbleweeds. You like my two guns, Babsje? Ned Buntline stole my concept but my guns are much longer and quicker.

      Mel Brooks? That Pilgrim was shilling for Buffalo Bill and sold Native American jewelry at cut rate prices. Geronimo and his people want to speak Mel.
