WHERE’S THE BIG CHANGE? – By Marilyn Armstrong

When Harvey Weinstein got nailed, everybody dumped all over him. Which I’m sure he deserved. They even tossed him out of the Hollywood Important People Club, ignoring all the other sexual predators who have been operating there since Hollywood became Hollywood.

Sexual predators are everywhere. They are in our homes, our churches, our schools, our sports teams. The number of adults and children raped by family members, boyfriends or girlfriends of family members is astronomical. Add to that the kids hit on by coaches, teachers, scout leaders, priests, pastors, bosses, dates, and total strangers. We even have one in the White House.

This was an ongoing horror show when I was a kid with a pedophile father. It has not gotten better. Victimized men and women still can’t talk about it. The weak laws and pathetic prosecution of these crimes make it unlikely a child who tries to report an adult will be believed. We automatically assume a middle or upper-class person with no criminal record can’t really be a criminal has never been true.

Not true. Never was true.

Woody Allen and Harvey Weinstein – A real pair of winners.

No criminal record usually means “never caught in the act.”

Is this going to change soon? It’s nice that Weinstein got whacked, but all the other Hollywood guys who do the same thing and have since … forever? I couldn’t believe everyone was so “shocked.”


Aw, c’mon. You’re kidding, right? Not only do laws need changing, but attitudes need changing. Given the state of the world, not to mention judges who are determined to not ruin that poor young lad’s life by making him do time for rape? Call me cynical, but I don’t see justice happening. I don’t even see a hint of it happening. Especially not in this bizarre world in which we live.

I do not see a single substantial change in the way unwanted sexual advances and/or rape are dealt with today than they were 50 years ago. We have supposedly better “laws” but we don’t observe them. We don’t even pretend to follow them. The courts don’t follow them, the police and prosecutors ignore them.

Women know it. And that’s why we don’t report problems. We don’t report date rape and we don’t report rapist fathers or mom’s boyfriend who can’t keep his hands off us. Or the boss who turns our working life into a living hell. Why bother? It won’t change anything and we aren’t going to save other women from the same fate.

The beat goes on.

Categories: Crime and Cops, Law, Legal Matters, Marilyn Armstrong

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13 replies

  1. Well this is a shocker, Marilyn. All the years I’ve known you I’ve never heard you say this before. I can think of little worse. So sad to hear this. I just heard the same from a friend last week..Her mother’s response, after years of believing her husband instead of her daughter, when he finally confessed, was, “What do you expect me to do about it?” I can’t think of any bigger betrayal by a mother.oxoxo


    • My mother was horrified when she found out. She found out from my brother, not me. But she cornered me and made me tell her what I knew because she knew I knew. I always knew. She didn’t leave. My father said he would kill us — the kids — if she tried. There were no safe houses and though she could have gone to stay with one of her sisters, that wasn’t her way. She found an apartment for my brother and moved him out of the house and I was gone before I was 17. The world changed and never changed back. My brother never talked about it to anyone but me and I think he wouldn’t have talked to me either, but I already knew.

      I think my father was abused as a child and he just carried on the tradition. I waited most of my life for an apology which never came. Eventually, I detached from him. When he died, it was like nothing happened. I waited to feel something. I felt bad about not feeling bad.


  2. I think we have made progress but definitely more is needed.


  3. It’s shocking when one’s best friend turns out to be pedophile. They hide it well.



  1. WHERE’S THE BIG CHANGE? – By Marilyn Armstrong — Serendipity Seeking Intelligent Life on Earth – All About Writing and more