Saturday’s bird is an odd-looking Cardinal 

I took some shots in the morning and decided to wait until the afternoon for the rest of the pictures because of the sun’s morning glare. Naturally, by the time I realized I should take some pictures, it was almost dark. With the winter time change, sunset is so early, it’s easy to forget, especially because the light is fading fast. By a little after four, it’s very close to dark. Technically, sunset is shortly after five, but no one told our sky.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Cardinal, Wildlife

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4 replies

  1. What an absolutely STUNNING bird! Juvenile cardinal?


    • Not THAT juvenile. She (I’m assuming it’s a female) has full feathering including her crest, so she’s probably breeding age. Maybe cross between the orange male from last year and the red from this year? Certainly is unique. She may change color as the weather warms up, but I thought she we really interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. They have a crest!


    • That’s why I don’t think she can be that young. The crest is the last of the feathers to develop. So she (presumably a she) is probably breeding age. It will be interesting to see what kind of babies she produces. Breeding season isn’t far away.

      If she isn’t a female, but a male, finding a lady with whom to mate could be interesting. They usually go for the flashiest colors. For the girls, the cover IS the book.

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