When we got up this morning, there was a red squirrel settled in the seed box, I took some pictures. We drove down to Dartmouth, which is about 45 miles south towards the Cape. Traffic was surprisingly heavy for a Saturday, off-season for Cape traffic and not a work day, so I was glad we left early. We got there almost exactly on time. You can never account for traffic in Massachusetts.

A couple of months ago, a wrote a short article about how they are renumbering all the exits on our highways. What we have now are exits that have been renumbered, but still show the previous number on the sign — and then a bunch of exits that either have been renumbered, but the GPS on the iPhone doesn’t know about it or have not been renumbered, but the iPhone thinks they have been renumbered. Garry was very glad to have me navigating.

The roads in Massachusetts — even before today — have caused me to rethink the meaning of roads. In New York, you were pretty sure the road you were on was the road you were supposed to be on. From end to end, it was the same road. In this state which has designed its roads from old Native American trails and mail routes from the 1600s have no logic or reason to them. As a start, a “route” isn’t a “road.” A route is a bunch of roads linked together by a number (like, say Route 16) and is often part of dozens of roads. Many roads are more than one route who knows how many roads.

There’s one place near Quincy (pronounced ” Quinzy”) where three routes run together: Routes 95 South, 6 East, and 1 North. It’s the whole north-south combination that can be really confusing. Massachusetts has spent  billions of dollars trying to get their roads to make sense, but with each major construction, somehow it ends of up worse than before. For reasons that pass understanding, the GPS (ALL GPS’s) give you the names of the road rather than their route numbers. They usually will give you both, or all three or four of them, as in “bear right onto 6 east then left onto 195 north, then left at the next exit for 1 North and follow the sign that says “MALL.” What?

We got there by ignoring the number and just looking for the signs that told us where we were heading. This isn’t too bad during the day, but it’s a killer at night. Anyway, we got there just on time. Garry went directly in, got his vaccination, had a nice chat with another elderly Marine (they are never “ex” marines, Sempe Fi, guys) and was out in half and hour with an appointment for part two of the vaccine in three weeks. He had a great experience. A lot of people got where they thought they’d get a vaccination only to discover that they only give shots to people who in in that town or village — which is why we had to drive that far to get a vaccine. All the closer location only took people who lived in that town.

Garry came back out and we went home.

The squirrel was still sitting in the feeder. For reasons that defy logic, I decided to bake pretzels, which are three times harder than a loaf of bread and needs at least two people to handle all the implements. Garry went out to give them more seeds while I set up the yeast and flour. I had to let the dough rise for an hour, but when I came back, the squirrel was still in the feeder. He finally left around 5 as darkness was hitting us.

Birds came and sat on the feeder with him. He didn’t care. As long as he could sit in the feeder and keep eating, he was a happy squirrel. And thus went the day. I’m going to have to do this same thing again in a few weeks for myself and I’m dreading it. But maybe, if I’m lucky, I can get a shot in the same place. The squirrel will still most likely be sitting in the feeder.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, #Squirrel, Humor, Wildlife

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16 replies

  1. Some great close ups there. Great you’ve had the first vaccine! They haven’t started any in Australia yet.


  2. Out shoveling the snow the other day I went over and rattled the bird feeder. The sparrows immediately raised a big din from across the street. They were just waiting for me to leave.


    • The Chickadees fly around us and sit on the feeder, waiting. They have decided we aren’t going to hurt them. I think if we put the food in our hands, they’d come and eat from it. The sparrows are also pretty tame. They are new to the deck, but they are taming quickly, as are the Tufted Titmouses. Not, however, the Cardinals, Blue Jays, Doves, or woodpeckers — all of whom are shy. Some birds are definitely friendlier than others.


      • Gorgeous, gorgeous birds! Thanks for sharing.

        Liked by 1 person

        • The birds woke me this morning with all their squawking. Holy moly, the feeder was empty! I put on my boots and went out to give them fresh food. I didn’t want to put anything on the ground because it’s still snowing and it would just get covered in short order, but at least they got fresh food in the feeder and I brushed the snow off the big chunk of suet.

          They get really hungry when it’s this cold.

          We didn’t get as much snow as we were supposed to get, but it is still snowing so we’ll see where we are at the end of the day.


          • It’s been a good winter for the most part. I’ve done very little hovelling apart from one bad snow storm that nearly put be down. I always say (around here) that once we get past February it’s downhill.


  3. In Montreal, we have several vaccination places set up and ready to jab. Now if only we could get our hands on more vials of the miracle juice …


    • Well, Garry got his first half of the vaccine with a date for the second, so at least ONE of us might survive. I’m a couple of weeks away from even being on the schedule. The vaccine shows up in waves, so one day there’s nothing, the next morning there are a lot — and all of them are booked in half an hour or less. You have to be online or you will never get booked. It means staying on line all day, waiting for the arrival of vaccines or cancellations. This isn’t how it was supposed to be.


  4. I am glad that Garry got his shot and that the trip was relatively trouble free. I hope it won’t be long until you can book yours. I don’t expect to get one until around my birthday in May but that’s OK. Our situation is not so bad?
    That squirrel really made himself at home. Did he not even move when Garry went to top the seeds up? Lucky that the birds didn’t let him put them off.


  5. Yay on the vaccine, and yup that is one of our lasting memories the confusing roads there!!

    The squirrel clearly wanted to stick round for the pretzels


    • Our roads are very modern to LOOK at (though badly in need of repair too), but are still based on roads that used to mean something and are now just twisting and confusing. I’ve lived here for close to 40 years and I still get lost everywhere but very locally.

      The squirrel just wanted to make sure he ate EVERY SINGLE SEED in the tray!
