It was a beautiful day and the temperature broke records for the day. It won’t last. We already know that. It will be colder tomorrow and colder still by Monday when it will be below freezing (again). But today was a joy. The windows were open, the screen door was on “screen” rather than “glass” and the breeze wafted through. Garry went out to get the mail and came back for his camera because he saw a picture. Actually, he saw several pictures. I had pointed out yesterday that there we still big clumps of ice around the property. Garry said, “How could that be? The weather is so warm!”

I said, “Take a look. Really. Banks of ice and tired old snow.” Sure enough, he found ice. Snow. A waving flag and a golden sunset.

This was our world, today. March 11, 2021 — exactly full year after the lockdown began. I guess I’m unlikely to forget it because every birthday from today will be another anniversary of both me and the lockdown. Let’s just hope this is almost the end of it. There’s hope. We’re alive. We survived to see you-know-who NOT in office, vaccinations almost completed, and a good chance of getting out to eat in a restaurant before summer comes. Does life get better than this? Amazing how little things have grown so important, isn’t it?

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Home, Nature, New England, Spring, Uxbridge

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12 replies

  1. Happy Birthday Marilyn.


  2. Good day to Marilyn and Garry. Very nice photos taken Mr. Armstrong.


  3. Many happy returns on your birthday, and a hearty GOODBYE, don’t let the door hit ya in your bottom! to that horrible virus (I realize it’s not gone, it slumbers, but the vaccine? Miraculous!) I hope you had a great day Ms. Marilyn, and tell Garry “AWESOME PHOTOS!” They were very uplifting!


    • You almost couldn’t see what a godawful mess this place is this time of year. It usually looks better in a couple of months when we can actually clean it up a bit, but right now, yuck.


  4. Yes, life is made up of the little day-by-day things that flavor it.

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  5. No it doesn’t! All the best Garry

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