April 10 – Bright Tulips

It’s almost really spring. We had a glorious, perfect day yesterday, but it’s cold and gray today and will be tomorrow. I’m glad we grabbed a good day and went out. You’d think, with almost no rain, that the weather would at least be sunny, but it isn’t. No rain. It just feels like rain. I was glad I had some cut tulips in the house.


Macro tulip

Almost really spring

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Macro

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4 replies

  1. Beautifully posed posies, Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! The posing involved my moving a slew of Garry’s birthday cards out of the background. Everything else, the camera worked out by itself. I was surprised at the black background because the room isn’t black, but maybe setting the lens on macro did something to it? There are a lot of automatic functions these days that I don’t understand and haven’t the patience to delve into. But the pictures came out much better than I expected. I just wish I knew why, but hey, magic is magic 😀
