FOTD – May 29 – ORCHIDS!

The orchids I have grown myself are into their third month of blooming. They are beginning to look a little bit soft, but I think they have a couple of more weeks in them. The new ones are absolutely perfect and much bigger than the others. You can’t tell from the photographs — nothing to gauge their size against, so you’ll have to trust me. The new (with the yellow center) are much bigger.

Categories: #Photography, Gardens, orchids, Provocative Questions, Word Prompt

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10 replies

  1. So beautiful, Marilyn! I have only one orchid plant, which has just shed its blooms, but they appeared during the winter, so it was a delight to see flowers in February! The first orchid plant I had had white blooms, and was a Mother’s Day gift from my son several years ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t know much about orchids then, so after the blooms died, I waited patiently for about a month, and then concluded it was dead, so I threw it out!
    Enjoy your orchids and all the delights of the spring!


    • It takes about a year between blooms. The good thing is that the blooming lasts for months, but you have to be very patient. It helps to have several so while another is sleeping, the next one is budding. I got a new one today. I think I’m collecting them.


  2. Beautiful orchid photos, Marilyn.


  3. These orchids are indeed very lovely 🙂


  4. I love your orchid pictures, Marilyn. My mom also grows orchids. I must take some pictures of them.
