It was a perfect day to be a bird. Or, really, anything since the day was perfect. I bought new food just the other day and the birds get really enthusiastic about fresh food. Although many birds flew in and out all day long, these few stayed around long enough for me to get a picture.

A Tufted Titmouse
Downy Woodpecker?
Flying Woodpecker

Categories: #Birds, #Photography, Chickadee, Goldfinch, Woodpeckers

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9 replies

  1. I love your bird photos Marilyn. it looks like your goldfinch has a bit more yellow on it than ours do. A different variety perhaps.


    • Probably. Even here, there are several varieties. But even when they are all in breeding colors, the boys are a MUCH brighter yellow than the girls — who are a pale yellow (they turn almost light green in the winter — as do the boys). There are finches on every continent and most of them are yellow. We also have the red one now. He’s bigger. Another one labeled “raspberry” who is more red than the house finch, and also a bit bigger than the Goldfinch, who I think is the smallest of our finches. Of course, the Cardinals are also finches which I guess makes them the biggest finch — at least around here. They have a version of these in Switzerland, England, and probably across most of Europe. How did yours GET there? That’s a long fly for such a small bird! Were they imported you think? The English did a lot of bird importing. That’s why we have those big white swans and European sparrows.


  2. you can’t know how much joy these pics create for me. I never knew I cared so much about bird photos…. 😉


    • A lot of people “discovered” birds during lockdown. There wasn’t much to do and while people were sitting around their yards looking at trees and wondering when “life” would be “normal” again, they noticed birds. One famed movie star said he had never realized a big tree could hold so much LIFE. He went into lockdown knowing nothing and came out a bird watcher.

      I eased into it gradually. My first husband’s (the one who died) sister was (is) an enthusiastic birder and she dragged me along on a few viewings. Israel was also a great place to watch birds because it’s the flyway for raptors who winter in Africa to fly up to Europe and Asia, so in April, about 2 million hawks, eagle, vultures, falcons, kites and many more stop for about a week of resting in Israel before they move on. It’s usually the first or second week in April and there are raptors EVERYWHERE.

      But mostly, they are fun to watch and since there are birds everywhere and you don’t need anything to enjoy watching them, it’s the perfect totally portable hobby.

      Liked by 1 person

      • what? 2 mio raptors? THAT must have been a sight…. I can’t even imagine.
        I haven’t got the patience to watch birds but I know that my mum while she still had her eyesight did with great pleasure. She also knew most ‘local’ birds.
