I have a headache. I’ll be right back. First, I need a couple of Excedrin.

I got two Excedrin, but lost them between the kitchen and the living room. Considering it’s just about 12-feet from the closet where I keep the Excedrin in the kitchen, to the living room where I sit — and there are no stops in between, you might wonder where they went. I might wonder, but I’m giving up wondering. It’s just one of those things.

You can be pretty sure your career as a portrait artist has not taken off when the person you are portraying looks at the picture and says, “Nice, but who is it?” Since it was supposed to be Garry, I figured I had not yet grasped that ability to make the drawing look like an individual but at least he looked human — which is a big step up from previous drawings.

Portrait of the unknown subject

He pointed out I got the skin color pretty accurately. When I was in elementary school, ALL my pictures of people had brown skin. This was because the “people-skin” crayon color looked like pink plastic. As a very (very) young artist, I was sure no one actually had skin that color except for vinyl baby dolls and Band-Aids. Brown was a lot closer to at least some people’s skin tone and looked a lot more human, so all my people were brown.

I bought this set of “portrait” pencils a while ago because they were on sale and I wanted to try Prismacolors. They are supposed to be the premium colored drawing pencils. Also, they sell portrait sets in three versions: Dark, Medium, and Light. These are medium and you can do almost any color of skin (except very light) using them. I wanted to try them. I was dreaming about my portrait career last night, but in my dream, my portraits were much better. Practice, practice, practice.

Prismacolors are much softer than Castle Arts pencils. I don’t think they are better, just different. Also, these are not watercolor pencils. Not that watercolor pencils have been working out well. To get them to work, you have to draw in layers from the lightest to the darkest colors — and you have to let the paper dry completely in between each layer.

This requires a lot more patience than I’ve got. Letting a piece of 90 pound paper dry completely makes a simple drawing brutal, but NOT doing it is worse. If you don’t wait for the paper to dry, everything comes out looking like mud. When I’m ready, I’ll try watercolors. The real thing, not colored pencils made wet.

And now, on the the questions!

What’s the most useful thing you know?

When the orange light in your camera is flashing, do not wait. Change the battery.

What impact do you think it would have on the world if bananas were illegal?

I would eat different fruit and no longer make banana bread. Is pot still legal? Because I could still make dopey bread, even without bananas. What a great world where Cannabis is legal but bananas are not.

What social stigma does society need to just get over?

Racism, religious extremism, and everything else. Just get over it while we are still here and CAN get over it. Since I think we are working on not being here at all, we need to hurry and dispose of that crap soon.

Do you prefer the moral viewpoint of consequentialism, which focuses on the consequences of actions, or deontology which focuses on the innate rightness or wrongness of the actions themselves?  

I don’t see how one works without the other. If there’s no inherent right and wrong, what kind of consequences can you have? First you need to establish a baseline before you can expect (or require) a consequence.

Besides, as long as you remember to change the battery when the “change battery” light is flashing, what could possibly go wrong?

Categories: #SYW, Anecdote, Ethics and Philosophy, Humor, Share My World, time

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16 replies

  1. “Most useful thing I know”? Serving God anyway I can. Mostly that just means being kind.
    “Illegal bananas”? I’m split on that.
    “Social stigma”? Race. Do I really give a crap if Denzel Washington or Morgan Freeman are Black? I don’t even notice.
    “Consequentialism” = Karma. or “Deontology”? For any action ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

    Lastly, be kind to yourself. We are not perfect.


  2. The portrait may not look like Garry, but as you said it does look human. WAY better than I could have done.


  3. Thanks Marilyn for Sharing Your World! Sage advice about the ‘low battery’ in your camera. One just knows if they let the thing go flat, there’ll be an amazing photo opportunity within seconds, right? 😄 You show wisdom with the philosophy question, because I do believe you’re right. Can’t have one without the other. Something that a lot of folks in positions of power appear to have either forgotten or decided to ignore. Scary. It is a very weird place, this world of ours, and it’s entirely possible that some dim wit could pass a law banning bananas. It wouldn’t shock me a lot if that happened actually. Your portraiture is just fine, and as you say Practice, practice, practice – eventually makes perfect (or so the old philosophers say)… Have a great week! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I did one of me after I did Garry. I don’t think it looks like me either. Garry says the face is too wide and I think he’s right. It’s also not quite long enough — and I didn’t have enough light pencils to make the skin anything close to my fish-belly white natural color. I always thought dark skinned people were much better looking than we pale-faces, especially those tall women with cheekbones to die for.

      I aged into the cheekbones but nothing could help my paleness or shortness,

      Ethics and philosophy are never a single thing anymore than the causes of war or planet change are all due to one single thing. I realize it’s much harder to take many things into consideration and you actually need to do some study to make sense of it, but if you don’t do at least some studying, it will never make sense of life.

      The old white guys who run our world have probably never read a book about ethics or philosophy EVER, not even in college. They are cynical and hard and they don’t care about anyone but themselves and maybe their family — maybe. Possibly not EVEN that. They are the Grinch made into law and they are terrifying because they don’t “get” any reality in which they don’t live. AND they don’t live in any reality I recognize.


    • Melanie, it’s a handsome portrait but just not quite me. Marilyn is really progressing with her sketchbook and she’s very diligent. No surprise there.

      Let’s hear it for Chiquita Banana!


  4. I think your portrait is quite good although I have assumed this is a young Garry. Your answers to the questions are very you, Marilyn. FAntastic!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I with we had more “thinkers” in charge of our world than power brokers. And I need more skin-toed pencils! I can’t solve the world’s problems but maybe I can eventually do a portrait that looks like whoever it should be. I try not to aim for big things anymore. I aim for small things I might actually achieve.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Without the small things, there are no big things. I told my boys when we visited the national park last weekend, without the slender mongoose and the dung beetles, there would be no rhinos or lions.


    • Roberta, YES, young Garry. I’ll go with that.

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  5. Haha! Loved your answers Marilyn.

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