CBWC: Photos and Quotes

The other day, we had a conversation in this house about pepper. And sneezing. It never bothered me when I was a kid, but these days, it makes me SNEEZE. And sneeze and then, sneeze some more.

Black & White

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Food, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge

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9 replies

  1. Congratulations! I have chosen your fabulous post to be featured in CBWC for the week.
    I sure hope you have a great weekend.

    CBWC: Capturing the Photographer

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Cee! I had one of those rare giddy moments of hilarity as I sneezed my way through a curry I was making. I really love your challenges and your pictures. I’m hoping we get outside a bit more soon. It was miserable today — very cold and pouring rain and some hail. Just a couple more weeks and it really will be spring!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s rather amazing Marilyn, but I found I can save some of my mediocre shots by converting them to B&W. It changes them. But I hardly ever think to do it. Filters can be useful at times too. If it blurry or unfocused I might as well go all the way! LoL!


    • Sometimes, a pictures just screams “black & white”, especially images with a lot of contrast and texture. I should do a lot more black & white too, but I usually don’t. I don’t even know why I don’t. Some pictures look a LOT better in black and white. That one of me and the dog look 100% better in black & white than it did in color.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great photo and quote for this week. Thanks Marilyn 😀 😀


    • Thanks! We had a long conversation about pepper and sneezing, so I suppose it reminded me of Alice and the peppery soup. And I had taken those pictures of spices that came out surprisingly well — a lot better than I expected. Black & white really suited them, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pepper makes me sneeze too! 😀



  1. CBWC: Capturing the Photographer – Cee's Photo Challenges