Usually Marilyn takes all the bird pictures, but this little gray bird was just hanging around, almost as if he were thinking about becoming a pet. I took pictures. Marilyn said he is a Grey Catbird, so named because the sound he makes sounds a bit like a cat’s meow.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Garry Armstrong

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16 replies

  1. Great captures, Garry! He seems curious like a cat. And is watching things like a hawk!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Some birds are definitely friendly and with a bit of encouragement, will eat out of your hand or land on your shoulder. We have a few that do that now without any encouragement. They’ve just decided we are safe and non-threatening. How “friendly” wild birds are is “per bird.” Blue Jays are very jumpy as are Cardinals. Most sparrows and wrens are friendly as are chickadees and Titmouses. And catbirds. You’d think doves would be friendly, but they are as nervous as the jays.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Great information! There is a family of Cardinals that absolutely make my day. Particularly, this morning, when humidity was low and I could sit outside and hear all the birds around me. I love Blue Jays and the robins walk up my driveway!

        Liked by 1 person

    • K.L., you are right about the curiosity.

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  2. Cat birds do seem to be friendly

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  3. Great shots Garry

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  4. Love your new pet!

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  5. Nice pics! 😀

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