FOTD – January 20 – A new camera and a yellow-green Orchid

Somewhere in the middle of the madly medical week, the camera I’ve been waiting for showed up. I’m sometimes astonished at Amazon’s packing. They send me a bag of spices packed so well you could shoot it into space. Then, they send me a camera in its own box in a bigger box without a shred of packing. Good thing Olympus packs their equipment well. I think a bit of protective packing might have been a nice touch.

Now that Amazon has laid off 13,000 workers, I don’t think their packing will improve.

I had to try out the new camera. It was interesting. Although it is very similar to my other Olympus OMD cameras, it is just different enough to make it an adventure.

Olympus EM-10 Mark 4 using an Olympus 60mm macro lens

Using the same lens I have been using, the focus was different. Not bad, just different. Only one orchid is currently blooming. I have three others with tiny buds, but I think it will be a few weeks before they bloom.

It did occur to me I was shooting in very low light. This might have had an impact on the pictures. Regardless, this is a very familiar lens I’ve used to take hundreds of macros though usually in better light.

Since I don’t have a doctor to visit tomorrow, I’ll try again. If it isn’t raining or snowing (which it has been every day for weeks), I might take it outside and see how it handles. This model is not water resistant.

I don’t think we’ve had more than a few hours of sun since January began. I wouldn’t mind an afternoon with the sun shining.

Categories: #Flowers, #FOTD, #Photography, Cameras, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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15 replies

  1. I am impressed with the clarity of those shots, and the macro was lovely! I really need to get a better camera…


    • Recognizing that the quality of the tool you use DOES make a difference is often step one to discovering you’re a better photographer than you imagined possible. I’m not a big fan of cell phone photography, though I’m apparently a minority. For the price of a cell phone with a really high quality camera, you can buy a good camera and a couple of lenses. Mind you having a cell phone that can take pictures can sometimes be very convenient, but a good camera is more fun and potentially far more versatile.

      As you can tell, I’m a big fan of real cameras 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Enjoy the new camera.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s fantastic, wonderful subject.


  4. enjoy the adventures with the new camera! Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Looking forward to seeing the results if you get outside.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There isn’t much to shoot right now. No snow, no leaves, no flowers. It’s the kind of dull wet winter that doesn’t make great photography. It was really pretty for about an hour this afternoon when it was snowing before it turned back into rain. Tomorrow? More rain and maybe a tiny bit of snow. The day after? More rain and possibly a bit of sleet. All the rain we didn’t get in the summer we are getting now — but at least we don’t have 10 feet of snow AND it isn’t brutally cold.

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