Study Explores The Connection Between Gardening And Mental Wellbeing

My indoor garden shines even in the grimmest, grayest, wettest, chilliest weather.


In recent years, mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety have become an increasing concern. Researchers have been exploring cost-effective and scalable methods to prevent and manage these disorders. Gardening has gained attention for its potential benefits, but limited research has been done on its mental health benefits.

In a cross-sectional study published in Journal of Environmental Psychology, researchers investigated the associations between time spent gardening and indicators of mental well-being.

The study collected survey data from 4,919 middle-aged and older adults (aged 46-80 years) from Brisbane, Australia, of which 57% were women. The participants’ gardening time was divided into three categories:

  • no gardening,
  • 1 to 149 minutes, and
  • 150 or more minutes of gardening per week.

Mental well-being was measured using the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, and life satisfaction was rated using a single question. The researchers investigated whether these associations differed between participants in younger…

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