I think this really IS the best one yet and I’m not sure how we can ever top this one. There isn’t anything I can say that wouldn’t be a spoiler, so I’ll wander into bizarre digressions. I should mention that Episode 13 is a day early because Tom finished editing it a day early. It was so good, I didn’t want to wait another day.

Why is 13 unlucky?

The unlucky number 13 may be associated with some famous but undesirable dinner guests. In Norse mythology, the Loki was the 13th to arrive at a feast in Valhalla where he tricked another attendee into killing the god Baldur. In Christianity, Judas — the apostle who betrayed Jesus — was the 13th guest at the Last Supper.

University of South Carolina

Thirteen isn’t an unlucky number for Jews. I’m not sure Jews have any unlucky numbers, but seven is a lucky one probably because on the 7th day, God rested. So should we.

Let me digress a bit further. It is my digressions through which I learn new stuff. I write or talk about something. Then I think about it and realize that I’ve been using that statement or concept my whole life and I don’t actually know what it means. So, I look it up. I don’t know this is a reflection of my interest in history or I’m just curious and occasionally, nosy.

Curiouser and curiouser

“Curiouser and curiouser!”

Alice was so surprised by the strange circumstances in which she found herself in that she and Carroll made up a word — according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The expression is still used to mean that something is getting increasingly confounding.

Oxford English Dictionary
The ever-helpful Duke of Uxbridge

Categories: #GarryArmstrong, #Media-War-Stories, Anecdote, Humor, podcast, Television, Tom Curley, Video

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8 replies

  1. I was surprised to see that it was up early so I enjoyed watching it this morning.


  2. I am excited to listen to this episode! 🙂


  3. For me it’s an occult number in witchcraft that gives us power and good luck. I have never seen it as bad. I can’t wait for another Friday the 13th.
