Recently Marilyn mentioned:

I was watching Colbert’s show from last Friday. He was doing “space news” for that section of monologue. So he says “Alexa will be going to space.” This was followed by a few dumb questions astronauts might ask Alexa. Generally, our Alexas turn light on in a few places — like the driveway — and play exactly the wrong music no matter how you phrase the question, but Colbert got her all worked up.

At this point, in our Living Room Alexa springs into action and starts jabbering NASA statistics while Colbert is still on the same story. Colbert is talking, Alexa is babbling, and I’m laughing. I haven’t stopped laughing yet.

Maybe you just had to be here.

Categories: Anecdote, comedy, Humor, Technology, Television

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1 reply

  1. I hate the alexa thing and would never have one–I’m old enough to remember not wanting spy devices in the house!
