CWWC:  March 28, 2024 – Travel paths

The ways we go, mostly on foot and definitely offroad.

Categories: #CWWC, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Paths, Roads

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8 replies

  1. Your photos this week are superb Marilyn. :D 😀


  2. That last photo–‘The Woods–would be a great book cover. Marilyn, I hope you are keeping track of all these cool ideas I have for you–note cards, cover designing… Rest that hand–we have work to do! 🤣


    • You know, I love that picture. I also lost it. I have that one picture which is a picture of the picture when it was hanging on my wall. I gave it to a friend because I was sure I had it saved — but I don’t. AND I don’t know where I took it. Someone else took me there and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t find it myself.

      My problem with note cards is what to do with them? You think someone would buy them? I’m not much of a business person.

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      • I have grand ideas but how to use them…🤔 Looking at your drawings and photos, I keep thinking about how they would look so pretty in a doctor’s office (all my docs have flower photos and I critique each one of them), or on notecards or book covers. The ideas keep coming, Marilyn. How to implement them…whole ‘nother topic.


        • That’s my problem, really. Between pictures and drawing, I have a lot of stuff that would make great tee shirts, cards, mugs — but I don’t feel like spending the money unless I know what I can use them for, other than gifts for friends, all of whom take their own pictures.

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