Lots of things all together. What fun! How about a gaggle of geese?


A herd of cows?

cows come home

A flock of birds?


And, of course, flowers.

72-Tractor-License- roses lilies

And finally, the ultimate photographic challenge. Eggs. A whole dozen.

eggs dozen

Categories: #Birds, #Photography, Beach, Cee's Photo Challenge, farm, New England, Sunrise

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40 replies

  1. Loved all of them. Geese are so pretty birds. The eggs are popping out of my screen ! graet pic 🙂


  2. Love the gaggle of geese.
    Love all the photos. Animal ones always make me smile. I am a farmer’s daughter.


    • It’s nice living in an area where there’s still wildlife. And farms. And cows that amble down the country road to the next field, then stroll back at milking time. We’re still in the 19th century around here. Sometimes, it’s maddening. Most of the time, it’s lovely and peaceful 🙂


  3. Cool photos. Love your gaggle of geese and how serendipitous catching the girl running behind the cows.


    • If you are there at the right time of evening, it’s a daily event. They do it all the old-fashioned way, putting the cows out to pasture in the morning, bringing them home for milking at night. Happy cows 🙂


      • In Austria when the cows come down from the higher mountain pastures they dress them up and herd them down to the villages – Almabtrieb it is called. Must try and dig out my photos. It is a major event every year


        • That sounds wonderful, like bringing the cattle in on the big ranches out west. Here, they are just bringing them back from down the road, back to the barn. This particular farm is just around the corner from our house, but it has an incredible beautiful location, right along the banks of the Blackstone, with little feeder creeks running into the pastures. And they own a LOT of acres on both sides of the road. Orchards. Fields. Cattle. Chickens and coops. Honey hives.


  4. Quite a collection there!


  5. I knew you would have geese. Although I really like the eggs. Wonderful photos for this week’s challenge. 😀


  6. The farmer’s daughter is just fab. But is that the dreaded, but so alluring water hyacinth in the first pic with the geese?


    • Just because I happen to know… it’s not water hyacinth, it’s pickerel.

      Liked by 2 people

    • I don’t think it is true water hyacinth, though I can see the resemblance. It’s too far north for the real deal. This is just a regular water growing purple wildflower. It hasn’t been clogging our rivers (it has a short blooming period, about two weeks, mid August). I think our rivers are too cold and have too strong a current.

      I looked them up, just in case, but these aren’t them. Not yet. They are still about 1000 miles south of here, being a major ecological pain in the neck. The leaves of this are thinner as is the stem. It only grows along the shore, too. There are a lot of things down south and out west I am glad haven’t made it here. Some other, which have, I wish would go back wherever they came from!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the gal high-stepping behind the cows.

    Liked by 1 person


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