
Looking down these stairs makes me a bit dizzy. And not only when it’s part of a photograph, but standing on the top of these stairs in the real world is a bit unnerving. They are on a rather more abrupt angle than normal stairs and the photograph emphasizes it.


This combination of dam and the old mill building presents a challenge, especially since I’m always shooting from an angle. Whatever else is going on in the picture, the river has to be flat. It can be tricky finding the horizon line. It usually takes me a few tries before I get it (more or less) right.

72-Quincy Harbor_036

Quincy Harbor … lines of docks and boats. Lines and more lines. Find the one that’s should be straight! I think I got it. I used the top line of the harbor water — and let the rest fall into place.


This was all about that front window. If the window was crooked, the whole pictures would have been off kilter. Everything was relative to that line.


I use Photoshop. The straightening function is very good. Not perfect, but very good … better than any other tool I’ve got. It usually takes a few tries to find the angle.

My Pentax Q camera has a built-in gyroscope, so most pictures taken on that system come out fairly straight (if I’m paying attention while shooting). Having the gyroscope in one camera has actually made me more conscious of holding the camera straight all the time. I tend to drop my left hand a bit and I’m more conscious of it now.

It’s always something!

Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Challenges

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21 replies

  1. Stairs do become such an issue as one gets older, speaking for myself. I really love how you cropped the last photo. I have a Mac and just use Photos on the Mac. It does have some editing functions, nothing like Photoshop or Lightroom. I don’t have those yet, but my husband uses both on his computer.


    • Stairs have become a major issue in my life because in this house, there’s no avoiding them if you live on the main floor, as we do. Bob, downstairs, can come in and out without climbing, but Garry and I can’t avoid it. It’s only a choice between which stairs. Those outside stairs are the shortest way to our floor … but down makes me dizzy!

      There are some free editing programs that have more functionality. I think many of them are for Mac.


  2. If you stare at the stairs long enough… it will begin to look like you are looking up at them. And also give you a huge headache…


    • They are not my favorite part of the house. I get dizzy looking down from the deck. I don’t go down those stairs, but I do use them to go up. It’s the shortest way to the second floor.


  3. Wow! I really love the second photo. It needs to be hanging on a wall or in a gallery! Beautiful!


    • Thank you. Sometimes, even though I’ve lived here for more than 15 years, I’m still left breathless and the natural beauty everywhere. That is the middle of town. I never thought I would live anywhere so beautiful 🙂


  4. You nailed this one, Marilyn. It’s like you’d been saving up for a horizontal prompt!!! We discovered a big gas leak here so I’m having my entire system changed, sealing the roof and cutting down a tree to prepare for the solar water heater, still in the throes of doggie domain construction and getting ready for 4 days running the artist sales booth at the Feria. Wouldn’t you know this would be the day the Daily Post refuses to let me post? I say if they’re going to run the same prompt over and over they should at least let us post again!! Other kids got to do so but oh, no–not the lady from Mexico…Gripe gripe…I’ll get over it. Really liked your photos this time…


    • Yeah, I found WordPress makes you change the name — not just the title, but the embedded name. So, to get around it, I use the “copy post” function, change the name, and post it “as new.” Because I don’t see the point in rewriting the same thing if I think I got it right the first time.

      You sure are BUSY. Yikes. I hate construction and it seems like you are doing everything at the same time. Big gas leak … anything to do with that big storm? Glad you found it before you blew the place up. That could be unpleasant.

      Solar water heating is great. We had it in Israel. Great when you’ve got enough sunshine, not so great in this climate. We sometimes have months without any real sunshine.


  5. Great collection! Like the inn and out up and down variety.


    • This stuff gets complicated because what is technically straight doesn’t always “look right.” I have NO idea how you can fix this stuff without an editing program. I would think you can’t fix it.


  6. Great photos. I have a thing about straight horizons too. I tend to straighten them in Photoshop or Lightroom.


  7. Oh yeah, the steps, I would hold on to the railings real hard. 😀


  8. Marilyn, you certainly nailed this challenge. Your multiple horizons are great. It can get tricky if you are at even the slightest angle. I figured covering that aspect in depth needs to be another topic all on it’s own. Because as you know sometimes you have to chose which line to correct or go in-between all the lines. Thanks so much for playing.


    • I am not sure if you CAN level a picture without an editing package. It is complicated even when you know how to do it. What is “straight” may look all wrong. There are a lot of mental adjustments. I straighten in multiple directions, vertically and horizontally … yet sometimes, it still looks wrong. Some of this stuff is practice and knowing what you want. Which makes it hard to explain. You’ve done amazingly well so far!

      My favorite is when straight doesn’t look right and you have to play around with it until it “looks right.” You can’t explain that. It’s something you “feel.” Every once in a while, I just give up because the picture isn’t going to look right no matter what I do.


  9. The stairs would make me nervous too, I hope you don’t have to walk them too often.
