More from the Red Cactus – FOTD – 05/05/19

It’s lucky I have indoor plants because it is so miserable and cold outside, it’s very hard to persuade me to go anywhere. I’m cold ALL the time. My feet need constant defrosting … but the Christmas cactuses are busy setting buds.

I don’t know what has made them bloom so much this year. I haven’t done anything differently than usual. I don’t re-pot them. I don’t trim them. I don’t fertilize them. I occasionally turn them so they grow evenly, but otherwise, I water them when they are dry. That’s it. The totality of my relationship with them.

The big red one is getting ready to bloom again and is setting a lot of buds. I swear they are trying to make up for the miserable weather outside!

Setting buds

And you can see my new Norfolk Island Pine. I have never had much luck with them, so maybe I’ll get lucky this time


Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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11 replies

  1. Perhaps it knows you enjoy its colourful display 🙂 Once upon a time eons ago, I had one that did the same. I was delighted. Unfortunately, it along with all my other plants died because I placed the wrong plant with them and later found out it gives off a scent to kill other plants. Who knew!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. And yet it again the cactus comes forth in all its glory.


  3. Great pictures, Marilyn. At least you have some colour to enjoy inside while it’s rotten weather out. I had a Christmas cactus when I was little, and it used to flower at all sorts of peculiar times of year. They’re very pretty though. 🙂


  4. They must think it’s Christmas again
