Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge:
Indoor Walkways, Hallways, Elevators

I’ve been thinking a lot about hallways and corridors recently since I’ve been wondering if I should start saving up for some version of a motorized wheelchair.

Medicare will give you one only if you are going to use it IN the house, not outside, but I don’t need one in the house. I need one outside, in the mall (for those rare times I go to one) … and moreover, I need one that could travel “off-road” on grass and gravel surfaces because that’s where I take pictures. If it only travels on smooth surfaces, it won’t get me anywhere I need to go.

It’s actually two hallways — up (with stairlift) and down (stairs only) — and only 39 inches wide!

All the books and DVDs make the hall rather narrow

If the thing will only run on flat, smooth floors, what would I do with it? We don’t live in a flat, smooth-surfaced world and the hallways in this house are far too narrow to navigate in any kind of chair. They are often difficult to navigate on foot and we are used to turning sideways when we are carrying packages — even small packages.

Narrow entryway

Almost too narrow to get the groceries up — the stairlift gets in the way!

Between Garry, me, and the pups, we knock a lot of stuff off shelves and tabletops. It makes one think seriously about what do you do when you can’t walk, but you can’t get up and down the stairs with a wheelchair either. Does that mean you have to move to “one of those homes”? Shiver.

NOTE:  Garry says we should hook up the dogs and make them work for a living. I pointed out we’d need more dogs. More dogs? MORE dogs?

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, Architecture, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Marilyn Armstrong

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7 replies

  1. Delightful photos for this week. Thanks Marilyn for playing along 😀


    • It’s odd because I really have been spending a lot of time thinking about hallways. Ours are narrow and made narrower by putting up shelves for CDs, DVDs, and paperback books. It’s hard enough just walking in them, much less using “transport.”


  2. I paid for my wheelchair myself and had no help from the authorities. they would never have given their OK for an electric chair, and it would have been a long process to get any wheelchair from them, so I didn’t even bother to ask.


    • I would have to buy my own, too AND it would have to live in the half-garage downstairs — and we’d have to buy a mini carrier for it because Garry isn’t up to hauling that much weight. Together we couldn’t do it. We’re still trying to figure out how to bathe one big Scottie (Gibbs) because he smells extremely “doggy.”

      Liked by 1 person

    • There are SO many restrictions on wheelchairs, I think most people buy their own — here, too. They will make you try EVERY other thing first and I’m pretty sure they’d lock you up before they’d just make your life easier.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I have had my electric wheelchair for a couple of years now and would not want to miss it,. I can travel on most surfaces, even the river bank which is a rough path, and our old town streets can be a bit bumpy with their cobbles. Some Kerbs are a bit high when crossing the road, but the main thing is to approach slopes straight and not on a slant, it is a matter of practice. I also have my walker for doctor visits and at the supermarket the trolley is a big help
