They are true blue, but for some reason no matter what camera I use, show up as purple. Something about the way the light hits it. I finally got them back to their natural color, which is a rich, deep blue.

These are wildflowers. They grow all over the northeast. They are extremely hardy and will grow in shade or sunshine. When we moved here, the spiderwort moved itself into our garden. I found a few more clumps of it and moved them into or near the garden where they thrived, probably because there was more sunshine and better soil.

I’ve seen them for sale on sites that sell wildflowers. The best part about these flowers is that they are extremely hardy and require very little care. And I really love the color.

Categories: #foliage, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Gardens

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3 replies

  1. I think these flowers are delightful, Marilyn. They remind me of the English bluebells which I also love.
