Yesterday was lovely, but I didn’t go out. Today, I made sure to get to the sunshine and down to the dam. I was going on the theory that have had two dry days, I could be sure expecting a third would be pushing the envelope.

I warned Garry that, short of being near death, we were going to shoot.

I loosened Garry from his usual stuff and we took a trip to our favorite waterfall, the area of the Blackstone where it separates into  the river and the Blackstone  Canal.

I’m glad I did because guess what? It’s raining. By the time this one is finished, the leaves will have been stripped from the trees.

It ‘s not rare for rain to short-circuit our season, but I never stop regretting it when it happens. At least we got a bit of the best. Got some nice stuff today. I haven’t had much time to process anything. We went out in late afternoon and the day was over when I got back.

This piece of the Blackstone River and Canal is in exceptionally good condition. It’s also exceptionally beautiful. The trail where once horses towed the barges is a walking or running path, great for dogs and owners.

Sometimes, if you are lucky, herons will drop by to feed along the banks. Also diver ducks and occasionally swans visit, though I haven’t seen any since the spring.

On the way home, we stopped at River Bend.  It’s beautiful, but difficult to photograph without lenses that I don’t have … or if I could, as I used to, walk down further along the river. But these days, I just can’t walk that far, so I settled for a quick few shots near the old farmhouse.

Maybe we will have another day or two of colors and sunshine, but I can’t be sure … and no one can make that promise. I’m just grateful to have had today.

Categories: #Photography, Nature, Seasons

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2 replies

  1. Very nice photos of the season today Marilyn, picture postcard shots for sure. We’re in our prime in Oregon right now. I’m certainly getting my desktop wallpapers for the year from this Autumn’s beauty. Thanks for sharing yours. – Bob


    • The sun is back again, but I think it’s too late. A lot of trees are already bare and the color has faded a lot in just a few days. If you look at stuff from the 15th and compare it to the 17th, you’ll see what I mean. It’s still Autumn, but the glow is gone. Too much rain will do it every time. And has for the past 3 — now 4 — seasons. Frustrating because this one was shaping up to be really terrific.
