Notes to Self (While Running System Diagnostics)

Why is my computer freezing and sending me blue screens? I guess I should run some system diagnostics. I ran them a month ago and it said everything is hunky dory. If it’s so hunky and dory, why does it keep freezing?



NO, Marilyn! You cannot run diagnostics while surfing.  Bad Marilyn.


NO you cannot check email. Okay, check, but don’t send anything. Ow. Frozen again.


Why is it prompting me to update the drivers I just updated? Should I do it again? Nah. Waste of time.



Why is Dell installing the software again? This is the fifth time. It’s installed. Geez. It’s just doing this to aggravate me.


I need lunch. Afraid to leave the computer. Who knows what mischief it might get into?


Bathroom, I don’t care what’s going on. I gotta go NOW. Computer? Sit! Stay! Don’t do anything while I’m gone.


I guess no matter how boring it is, I should NOT play Scrabble while running diagnostics.



I suppose this means running diagnostics is not a perfect opportunity to thoroughly clean the keyboard.


My system is fine. Absolutely nothing wrong. So what’s with all those Blue Screens of Death referencing my video card? Huh? Let’s stress test the video card.


This is more boring than watching paint dry. Are we there yet?



Everything is freaking fine. I’ll tell myself that the next time it locks up. Thanks for nothing. Another afternoon I can never get back.

Categories: #Photography, Computers, Humor, Media, photo, Software, Technology

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2 replies

  1. You are a hot sketch!
