Combing the Archives

Some updates from a pinch-hitter, by Rich Paschall

While Marilyn is “out of office,” I have the opportunity to go back through the archives to repost some of Marilyn’s earliest works here on Serendipity.  Like the name of the blog suggests, you should find these to be a “pleasant surprise.”  If you have followed along from the very beginning, you will delight in seeing these posts again.  If you are a more recent follower, you will get to see some gems you have missed.

logitech sealed keyboardAs I am posting these with my login, there could have been some confusion with my name appearing at the bottom as “author.”  That seems to be part of the software and something I could not edit.  Therefore, I did something Marilyn would not do.  I added her name to the title.  She would naturally feel that you would know whose blog you are reading.  This is the only edit I have made in the reposts.  Marilyn will be back at her keyboard soon.

In the meantime, Garry will appropriately be playing the role of “reporter” to bring us updates on Marilyn’s progress at Beth Israel’s Cardiac Care Unit.  Although it is taking longer than had been hoped, Marilyn has finally been up and walking.  This certainly means I will be bumped soon from my temporary role as editor and back to Sunday contributor.  I will be pleased to be knocked off this chair by its owner.

I have added tags and categories to Garry’s posts when he is not looking.  Each of his posts carries the tag “Marilyn update.”  I have also tagged the reposts as “Best of Marilyn Armstrong,” but since it is all good, the tag seems a little strange to me.  I have already started using it, however, so I will keep right on with that plan.

There is no way I could explain how grateful I am that Marilyn has given me space here on Sundays for some short stories and totally random articles. She has been advisor, editor and illustrator of the writing I have submitted.  It provides me with an audience that I have not found on my own space.  So I am pleased to sit in the editor’s chair for a few days so that you may continue to have the work of Marilyn Armstrong each day.

Categories: #Writing, Personal, Rich Paschall

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10 replies

  1. Rich, you are a great story teller and your work can stand on its own, really.
    Being Marilyn’s son just makes you cute, ha ha. Thank you for explaining.


  2. You all are such a great team together.


  3. I’m new to the blog, but I figured that the “new” posts were archives considering the cirumstances, so there was little confusion on my part. Thanks for doing that!


  4. WE are the ones who are grateful to YOU, Rich. The tags, credits and everything else are just fine. You’re our Max Perkins. Marilyn beams when she reads your stuff in her hospital room. Frankly, just writing the update blogs is my speed right now. They usually come at the end of another long day. I’m hoping to be more creative but that’ll wait and take a back seat to caring for Marilyn. Meantime, I’m hoping you continue to be a pinch-writer deluxe. You’re the best!!
