It was one of Those Days. Started out normal. We had to get up a bit early because I had a doctor appointment and even though we left plenty of time, we got out of the house a bit late. Time slipped away.

My appointment went fine. Next stop? Grocery store.

We couldn’t get to the store. There had been a fire. Or something. The street was closed. Not the whole street, just the couple of hundred feet in front of the parking lot. Other than the fire engine with the flashing lights, there was no hint of a fire, or any evidence of anything. No smoke. No injuries. No water on the street. No crime scene tape. A blocked street where we needed to go. They were allowing cars to drive through from the other direction. So there was no legitimate reason we couldn’t go a few dozen feet to Hannaford’s parking lot. But nope, we had to take the detour.


Uxbridge not being a real city, a detour isn’t a quick trip around a city block. We were in Douglas before we could start looping back to town. By which time they had parked the fire truck and there were no official obstructions.

Shopping concluded, leaving town was our next trial. Civic excitement is rare in our little town, so everyone had to take a long look at the … what? Fire? Crime scene? False alarm? One of the rubberneckers was riding a bicycle. We were behind him, trying to drive at 1 mph. As soon as we (finally) got around him, someone pulled out of a side street, slowed down to about 10 mph. Directly in front of us. We crawled home. Karma is.


Groceries unpacked. Television turned on. Surprise! Half our premium channels aren’t working. “Temporarily Off the Air. Try Again Later.” I call Charter. They’ve been having a bad week too and this is my third call in two days. Any day I have to call Charter is not a great day.

After a long hold, the agent assures me they are merely doing (more) repair work, but hope it will be finished any day now. They’ll call when it’s finished. Maybe even today. I go to make dinner and step in a pool of dog pee. I don’t know which of the little furry menaces did it, but I don’t get it. Why? They’ve got their own door and it isn’t even raining.

Eventually, dinner having been served, eaten, and cleared, the phone rings. Charter (recorded message) says “Repairs are complete, thank you for your patience.” But it is not fixed. Half the hi-def channels are “Temporarily Off the Air. Try Again Later.”

Any day on which I have to call Charter once is not great. Twice? Very bad. They tell me to reboot. They send a repair signal. My channels do not come back. They can’t get a tech here until Thursday.  I am grumpy, but make the appointment. I need to write it down, so I turn on the light.

The bulb explodes.

My day is done.

Categories: Blackstone Valley, Customer Service, Humor, Life, Traffic

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13 replies

  1. Wow, time to go to bed and sleep until September starts.


  2. Days like that are so bad you think you’re dreaming, a bad dream at that. It’s better to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head to stop the boogie man from getting to you. Surely the world is coming to an end.

    I woke up half an hour ago from a bad dream myself. I’d driven off an open fissure that extended completely across the road, no warning, no barricade, just me crashing my SmartCar. I hate dreams like that because they make no sense. Is it something I ate?


    • At least it ended well. They FINALLY repaired the connection at the pole and gave us a new box. They tried three boxes before finally finding one that wasn’t already busted. It was the last one on the truck! And I replaced the lamps.

      As for traffic in Our Town, that’s just the way it is in small towns that have only 1 street (Main Street, don’t you know) and a police department of 2 guys neither of whom has a clue about how to manage traffic. Small town life has its hazards.


  3. Reblogged this on BLOGTENDI.


  4. Nice day


    • It all worked out, though it took until yesterday evening. The cable got fixed at the pole after 13 years broken, the dvr box was replaced, and I bought two (OMG a matching PAIR) small lamps from Amazon that use normal bulbs that probably won’t explode. Sometimes, living in a small town is very trying. Especially the single lane roads and all the slow, old, distracted, texting, telephone calling drivers.


  5. One of those days huh? Well, at least you made it through intact. 🙂


    • And it had a happy ending. Several, actually. I think this is the first time EVER our cable has worked properly. There IS hope. I still don’t know why the road was closed, but I got new lamps 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The only thing that comes to mind is, HOLY SHIT! What a day. Hope you’re home for the weekend.


    • Oh, yeah. And Charter actually finally fixed our cable at the pole. It’s only taken 13 years. And we got a new box, so even the color is better. You can’t lose’em all. Oh, there’s something coming for you in the mail. From our bank to you. Look for it 🙂
