Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge: 2014 #20

I thought I’d start with a little traveling’ music. Because there’s something about the open road and music playing. You want to tap your feet, but you can’t, because you’ve got those pedals.

Boston road signs

So you drive faster — if you can and traffic allows — until the sound of the road under your wheels matches the music. Then you just hope the cops don’t nail you for speeding.

road to skowhegan Rt 201


The music and the trees and the road and all the little towns through which you travel become one, part of a single experience. Traveling. Rolling on and it feels like it’ll last forever.

road to skowhegan Rt-201

Maine autumn roads

Categories: #Photography, Cars and Trucks, Cee's Photo Challenge, Music, Transportation, Travel

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14 replies

  1. ooooo that’s good stuff.


  2. Such fun which ways from you this week Marilyn. I really enjoyed your gallery. 🙂


  3. “Travellin’ Man”, Ricky Nelson.


  4. Road music. It’s amazing how it can fix a journey in one’s memory. My memory of driving across South Ontario in 2009 is locked into mental and actual replays of The Tragically Hip album that we bought in Toronto, recommended to Graham by a local in the book store there. It somehow gave the trip another dimension.
