Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge: 2015 Week #2

Cee’s Which Way Challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails on which we move from one place to another.  You can walk, climb, drive them, and ride them, as long as the way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is good, as are all signs.

The wild birds always know where they are going. In the air, on the water, and or marching across land … they have a built in GPS that is close to flawless. In this valley, the rivers and ponds are their highways. They swim in rows, like a flotilla. The herons fly over the waterways, watching for fish to eat. The swans and geese nest along the waterways and raise their young.

We have gone through several very hard winters in a row. The population of swans and geese is smaller than it has been in all the years I’ve lived here. Nature rules. We can only watch and hope for the best.

So far, this winter has been kind to them. The waterways remain unfrozen. There is food for all. Perhaps this year we’ll see an early spring and many ducklings, goslings, and cygnets to repopulate our streams and ponds.

YOGI’S BLOGOSMOS wrote an entire blog analyzing the pictures in this post. Please check him out. A thoughtful blogger with a devotion to nature and beauty.

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge

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12 replies

  1. Great shots of birds and them going places. Thanks Marilyn 🙂


    • Thanks Cee. They always act like they have an appointment, just down the river or on the other side of the pond. Only once did I find my swans sleeping. They float while they sleep in the sun. Tuck their heads under their wings and just hang. Sweet.


  2. Thanks for your response Marilyn. I have written a blog post on your ‘FOLLOWING THE BIRDS’ post: . Hope you like it. If it offends you in any way, my apologies.


  3. What a great idea for a Which Way Challenge. You and Garry take wonderful photographs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. When we got to this place — not far from our home and we go there often — the gaggle of geese was waiting for us. Literally just waiting. We grabbed our cameras and were very quiet. We didn’t even close the car door because we didn’t want to startle our gaggle of friends. We had maybe 4 minutes to shoot as many pictures as we could … and as you can see, they were paddling away most of the time we were there. Still, it was a gift. I have never seen Canada geese in that part of the creek (it’s a tributary of the Blackstone that runs along the street on which we live) before. Just herons before that. It was a delightful surprise.


  4. Wonderful and what a great which way. I always love to follow fowl too! 🙂


  5. beautiful!


  6. Excellent post. The photos look fantastic. Were they all taken on the same day? Which camera did you use? A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Your photos have beauty written all over them. Keep up the good work.


    • Thank you! They were taken on a bunch of different days over a period of 3 years, though all in the Blackstone Valley. The two signed by my husband were taken on his Panasonic Lumix XZ 60. Mine were all taken on Olympus Pen PM-2 or an Olympus Pen EP3. Some are quite recent, just last month. Others date back to spring 2012, though many were taken at the same locations in different months and years 🙂



  1. Marilyn Armstrong’s Blog Post (Be Inspired by the Neighbors – Blogging 101) | Yogi's Blogosmos