I had one of Those Days yesterday. I got up feeling pretty good. A bright, sunny day suggested I might want to take a few pictures. I went to open the window … and the shade did a cartoon thing, snapping itself all the way up and curling tightly around the wooden roller. When I tried to unroll it, it fell down and landed in a heap at my feet.

I should have taken that as a sign, but I shrugged it off. Just an old shade to replace No biggie. Thus the day progressed through some electrical? Software? glitch which deleted all my saved emails addressed to me from me. All the saved information carefully put in labeled folders … trashed. Thank you Google! At least you didn’t erase them. You have to be grateful for what didn’t happen. Keeps things in perspective.


I was still  working on sorting out the mess at midnight when the WiFi went out. We recently replaced the router and since then — about two months — haven’t had a minute of trouble with it.

I sighed. “Guess I’ve got to reboot the router,” I told Garry, who was deep into deciding what to record on the DVR and had problems of his own. I rebooted the router. Came back, but still no WiFi. Went back, did it again, and realized the modem looked unhappy. The lights were blinking, not emitting the steady, solid green glow I have come to associate with a happy, healthy modem. I unplugged it, counted slowly to 25, plugged it back in. Nope.

On a whim, I looked at the telephone. “No line,” it announced. The green light was out.

Charter Communications was down.

I couldn’t call on the phone since the phone runs on the WiFi that we didn’t have. I found Garry’s cell phone, looked up Charter’s number in my paper notebook. After the last few fiascos when I couldn’t get to my contacts because they are online and there was no “online” to get to, I’ve gone retro. I keep a notebook with handwritten contact numbers. The electric company. Charter. My doctor. The two pharmacies. The septic guy. The well guy. My best friend. My cardiologist. Our dentist.

I called Charter. Got the robot. I shouted my answers into the phone, probably waking all the people in the house, but not disturbing the dogs. They are never bothered by whatever mom is doing when she has that thing in her hand. It’s not edible, so it isn’t their concern.

An announcement came. “There’s an outage in your area that might be affecting your service. We assure you we are working as fast as we can to resolve the problem. Would you like us to call you when the issue is resolved? Say “yes” or “no.”

“YES,” I shouted.

“Is there anything else with which we could help you?”

“NO,” I yelled.

They started to babble on about something else, but I’d had enough and disconnected. Closed my computer. Turned out the lights. Went into the bedroom where Garry was settling down to watch something recorded using the big Sennheiser earphones.

“It’s Charter,” I shouted. He didn’t have his hearing aids in.



“Good old Charter,” he said.

I started to laugh and couldn’t stop. “They won,” I said between laughs. “They beat me. Charter. Google. Everything. They can break things faster than I can fix them.”

“Give up,” advised Garry. “Tomorrow …”

“Is another day,” I finished. But I kept laughing until I fell asleep. I had been defeated. Just one of those days. Thank you Charter. Thank you Google. Thank you for reminding me I can’t fix everything and sometimes, the only thing left to do is throw your hands in the air and surrender.


Categories: Communications, Computers, Computers, Daily Prompt, Humor, Technology

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29 replies

  1. O, this was me last Friday. Nothing worked and I was writing a story as hard as I could when there was suddenly no Internet, just when I needed to look something up quickly to make sure I wasn’t putting down stupid information. Gah! I didn’t laugh…until today, when I read your post. Thank you for reminding me! 🙂


    • I write online, so if I lose the internet, I hope auto-save kicked in. We don’t get so many big outages as we get little momentary ones that knock you off and you have to reboot everything. Pain in the butt.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Those holding lines drive me crazy. I swear I make the funniest faces when I have do deal with these robots. Although, I hope they don’t record people being on a holding line, because if they do I might be in trouble LOL


    • Sometimes, the robots are easier to deal with than the morons who are (I believe) alive. That is sad.


      • I just hate to repeat myself like a broken record..over and over. First type it in (what for) because then you have to repeat the same sh** all over IF you get a “real person” on the line. I drives me bananas…should write a rant about it 🙂


        • Usually I just sit there shouting AGENT AGENT AGENT AGENT whenever they want an answer. But this time, I figured if there was an area outage — if it wasn’t just us, but the whole neighborhood — there’d be a recorded announcement. Then I didn’t need to talk to anyone because there wouldn’t be any additional information anyway.


  3. I don’t have a phone book and have to google everything. We have had some outages here in New Zealand. The most recent was when there was that incident about the hacked nude photos of the celebs. When the few thousand here in New Zealand clicked onto the image of Jennifer Lawrence it unleashed all this spam which paralysed the server. Those clients who had clicked onto the nude photos had their accounts suspended. I am not sure if they are back in the system again. A case of don’t shoot the messenger.


  4. Ah, technology. Both a blessing and a curse.


    • It would be an unmixed blessing if we had more dependable service providers. I love electronic communication, but I don’t trust it. Not yet. Not with the inept ISPs we are stuck with who are big on taking our money, but downright limp on providing service and support.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the chuckle, been there and done that, but Mr. Swiss finds I make a fuss about nothing, after all he can fix it, he thinks. We have a new modem, new wifi, new computers and new everything, but you cannot beat the atmospheric outrages can you. By the way, something completely different. I read today that since 10 years there have been no births registered in England under the name of Gary. Ok, it only has one “r”, but the english can’t spell. They said the name is dying out, so Garry will soon be unique, if he isn’t already. We have no Mr. Swiss in Switzerland, but his real name is Marcel in any case, which I cannot pronounce so well it being French, so I just call him love.


    • Gary is very popular in the U.S. and Garry is popular in Canada. Garry was supposed to be a Gary, but they misspelled it at the hospital and they have been misspelling it ever since. It was hilarious when channel 7 misspelled it on TV … and Garry WORKED there. Whoever did the engraving on my wedding ring misspelled both my name AND Garry’s (Maralyn and Gary) and Garry swears he printed the names so they would be spelled right.

      Marcel isn’t SO hard, but “love” is easier. We prefer “dear” … it’s unisex and as we get older and more confused, it’s a good fall back position.

      You can’t fix the problem when it isn’t something you can get to. When your provider’s service is down, all you can do it take a nap.


  6. i couldn’t count the times my service went down and i thought something was wrong with my system .. then spent hours re-configuring and re-installing – defraging etc etc … only to discover it had nothing to do with me. i guess this happens to everybody. ??


    • Apparently, at least in the Americas. They seem to have built much faster and more dependable service in Europe and Asia. Obama keeps trying to get them to fix it in the U.S., but nothing gets done in this country any more. Everyone is too busy with his/her own agenda.


  7. Hope today is better. At least your internet is working (knock on wood). 🙂


    • Yes, they seem to get it repaired faster. It used to go out for days at a time. Now, it’s usually just hours.


      • I was just commenting to the hubs the other day as he raised his voice to our his computer about the slow downloading it was doing that he should harken back to the days when downloading a program took many hours or even days. And! if anything happened during that download (like someones dad picked up the phone 99% into the download… grrr… grrr… grrr. ) we had to start over.

        He still yells at the computer if it goes down for a couple of seconds.


        • Yes, we all yell at our computers. Not that they care. However, this wasn’t seconds. This was about 8 hours. Fortunately, mostly overnight.


          • No, I understood that. I just remember the days of dial up when we depended on the phone lines for everything and they weren’t very dependable. ^_^


  8. Oh boy, one of THOSE days! I hope you get your Charter back soon. I can live without anything but Internet. It puts me in panic mode. Hope your day gets better!


  9. and take a good nap, or watch a movie with Garry 🙂


  10. It’s a conspiracy, don’t doubt it for a minute. Random acts, pshaw. I think not.


  11. I recently found a couple of old phone books in the house and asked my husband why he didn’t throw them out. I found out quickly enough when the computer went down and we needed to look up a number.

    At least us older folks still know how to use phone books and paper notebooks!
