
She had been frozen in time. And in reality.

Now slowly, steadily, she dripped, dripped, dripped. A thawing.

Flash frozen when she fell into the crevice between sections of the massive glacier which had covered what would someday be upstate New York.

The weather was more temperate this millennium. Ice had receded to its polar home.

Found. Discovered by a wanderers. Who were astonished to see this woman … or whatever it was … apparently made of ice.

They propped her up by the fire. Thus she dripped, consciousness leaking into her brain in tiny flashes.

She was hardly aware of her surroundings when she felt the flames. Licking at her. Fire. Warm, hot, searing. Barely time to register being alive, she was dead all over again.

It was the fire, this time.


The Blacklight Candelabra: Reincarnation. Sort of.

Categories: #Writing, Challenges, Fiction, poem, Sci Fi - Fantasy - Time Travel, Uncategorized

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8 replies

  1. I’m still thinking about this challenge, but haven’t yet found my inspiration. I like how you undertook this, the idea of reincarnation followed through in a novel and highly creative way.


    • Thank you. It was really the poem. It was the first thing that popped into my head and I followed it. I haven’t done all of these prompts. Some, I just didn’t have anything in my head to work with. It’s supposed to be fun. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself 🙂


  2. I must say, you inspired me to write something. I have problems with these Blacklight things, on a higher level it seems. Great composition, loved it.


    • If I had actually followed the full set of instructions, I wouldn’t have done it. But I used to more as inspiration than doing the whole three story thing. That was much too much like work for me. I’m trying to cut back on my workload, not increase it. My ambition level has been dropping like a rock, lately.


  3. Reblogged this on Beechdey’s Weblog.


  4. Wonderful story. Hard to do in this few words. I think you accomplished your purpose…


    • Then, my job here is done. I didn’t really meet the criteria of the challenge, but as soon as I heard it, I thought of the poem. I challenged myself to see in how few words I could say it. 132 🙂

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