If I had a hammer … I’d fix the broken pickets on my front gate and hang a few new pictures. I’d definitely be a folk singer. A photographer and a writer, too.

I’d have a tambourine. Shake, shake, shake it. I’d care for my own plumbing. I’d be me. But I’d have a hammer.

I never wanted to be anything or anyone else. Sometimes, my lack of ambition makes me sad. I should have wanted something more, an upgraded me. A healthier, wealthier, wiser me. Closer to perfect.

Too late. I’m version 1.0. Next revision date scheduled for …

If I Had a Hammer: The Daily Prompt

Categories: Humor, Music

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34 replies

  1. I still love those songs too.


  2. I have great ideas, and never put them into action. What do you call that? Lack of ambition? Fruition-less? Lazy? Hub won’t let me use (electric) tools when he’s not there to supervise because I’m so accident prone, so hammer and nail is fine for now.


    • I’ve always been more interested in my friends and family than a career. I did okay, but if I had been ambitious, I could have done better.

      My family won’t let me use knives. My fingers always wander into the way of the blade. It’s not my fault. They do it all by themselves!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I always joke that my body is kaput and can I trade it in. So far no luck.


  4. This song is one of my all-time favorites. My sister would sing this to me in the hospital on the weekends she stayed with me to give my Mom a break. As always, your post/article, gave me something to smile and think about.


    • What could I do? The prompt is the name of a wonderful song, so I had to play the song. The Peter, Paul and Mary version was the popular one when I was growing up, but the Pete Seeger version was closer to the original (I think the Weavers did it first). I still love that music.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I have two hammers, but I’ve never done anything useful with them. I’m not very handy about the house 😦


  6. Now I’ll have to find a different video to put on my blog or you’ll think I’m copying you. hahaha!


  7. You are a great person, a friend philosopher and guide to the world history, a terrific writer and a great care taker. Need to learn more? You are a gem ! Love your photos and posts 🙂


  8. You are so lucky we don’t live close to you. Mr. Fixitall, the genius I am married to, would be on your last nerve 🙂


  9. Reminds me of another great folk song. MC Hammer’s “You Can’t Touch This” and the line, “Stop! Hammer time!”


  10. Stay as you are, you are perfect. Can’t risk you having an accident with the hammer hitting your typing fingers can we?


    • I have learned my limits, but it’s frustrating. There were a lot of handy things I used to do. Planting and weeding and harvesting. Hanging shelves and pictures and painting. And moving furniture and decorating. Now, I can’t do much, and it bothers me. But I also know if I try to do it, I’ll need an ambulance to take me away! So. I take pictures. I write. I plan and dream.

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  11. “I’d rather be a hammer than a nail”. I’d also rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. (One of my favorite bits of graffiti.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just want everything that has ever been fixed to never need fixing again. All replaced appliances to last forever. Once I’ve put on a new roof, that’s it. No more new roofs ever. But definitely — better be the hammer than the nail. I have frequently pondered the possiblities of a bottom lafrontomy.

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