
Imagine. Week 50! Two weeks to the end of the year. Where did the other weeks go? They just blew through here, leaving dust and dog hair in their wake.

What is an Oddball?

Noun –
1. A person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming, especially one having beliefs that are unusual but harmless.
Adjective –
2. Whimsically free-spirited; eccentric; atypical: an oddball scheme.

Taking pictures on the streets of Boston is entirely different than shooting in Uxbridge.


I had fun with these … seeking a certain “mood” … hoping for a cinematic sensibility. All taken in downtown Boston in and around Symphony Hall.


A bit film noir?


Categories: #Photography, Boston, Cee's Photo Challenge, night

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21 replies

  1. Stunning photos. I love the film noir shot.


    • Thank you. The only time I can do that is when I’m in a real city. Uxbridge just doesn’t have that “gritty” look … and Worcester is gritty, but small and not terribly visually interesting, though I need to explore it more before I completely write it off. This kind of photography is just tons of fun.


  2. Great odd balls. Looks like you had a nice trip to the big city. 😀


  3. I wonder if the 2 people in the first one were meeting there.
    I like the street photos very much.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Those two are our best friends 🙂 They were having a conversation about where we left the car and where was the crosswalk? There is a lot of road repair going on there … and has been going on there as long as i can remember. Years.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Love the photo of our two best friends. THAT is very film noir. But it’s more like a scene from “Pickup On South Street”, “Where The Sidewalk Ends” or “Kiss of Death”.


  4. I remember when I took pictures as I walked through downtown Cleveland prior to one of the ballgames I saw there. And particularly the ticket scalper who took exception with me getting him and his Hector Luna jersey in one of my photos. Thankfully, I was across the street from him, and he didn’t feel like leaving his post to chase me down…


    • We had a spare ticket … so we suggested Garry scalp it. We though it would make a great headline “Former Channel 7 reporter snagged in scalping ring …” So we used the chair for all our coats 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ha! I tried doing that with an extra hockey ticket once. I’d been asked a million times on the way from the parking lot if I had any extra tickets to sell them, so when I finally said yes (I’d been given a pair, and had nobody to go with), and they found out I was only offering one ticket (A premium club seat with a $90 face value!), I got the “Ummmmm…. nah.” response. Single tickets are apparently not popular on the black market…


      • Wouldn’t mind the headline as long as my name is spelled correctly and the photograph was flattering. I might be back..on top of the world again, Ma.


  5. The second one looks like the real-life backdrop of an Edward Hopper painting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We have “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” in our dining room … I’ll have to find the specific painting. Was he from Boston? I sort of doubt he was because most of his backgrounds look more New York/New Jersey than Boston. It’s just a building style. But thank you a lot. That’s actually what I was trying to do 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Holly, grab your guitar and sing “Moon River” for me. I’ll give you a fifty for the powder room.


  6. ❤ your trips in to Boston!! 🙂


  7. Bob and I took a 2 week paper making class in Brookline one summer. We loved hanging out in Boston. Very film noir….
