
After a delightfully warm December and January (for the most part), and after the lying groundhog didn’t see his shadow, it began to snow.


Late last night, the first sleet mixed with rain began to fall and by this morning, it was entirely snow. Wet, heavy snow. The kind of snow that sticks to everything, especially tree branches and power lines.


The trees in the front and rear of the house are bowed with the weight of snow on their limbs. The weather services keep upping the amount predicted, though it doesn’t seem to be snowing heavily enough to accumulate a foot. I guess we shall see.

I’m hoping for a little breeze to move the branches and shake some of the snow from the trees. Snow makes pretty pictures, but it’s a real pain in the butt in every other way.


Meanwhile, complaints aside, it is beautiful outside. It is a classic winter wonderland, worthy of Currier and Ives … or Robert Frost.

I guess we’re going to have winter after all. I was perfectly content without snow. Really. I was.


Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Nature, New England, Seasons, snow, Winter, Woods

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37 replies

  1. Here too! We got about 10 inches…it is lovely! 🙂


    • This is the kind of little storm I can handle. It’s those 3 footers that make me crazy. We can actually still get out of the house and up the driveway! Imagine that in the middle of February 🙂


  2. Pure beauty. Thank you.


  3. Beautiful photos, even if the cause is not very pleasant We had the most wonderful spring weather yesterday and made the most of it and went for a walk until I had my accident (see blog). All the same I can write on my computer taking it easy in a comfortable chair. Be careful of falling on the snow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Spring weather is supposed to be back tomorrow. A brief appearance, than some more winter weather and snow … but we’re in the home stretch, so regardless, it won’t be too long before we see the first flowers poking up.

      I’m very careful in this weather. I’ve done a lot of falling … and it hurts. It’s a crunch, not a splat. We don’t bounce at our age!

      Liked by 1 person

    • It is lovely from INDOORS. But I still have the mental scars from all those years doing live TV OUTSIDE in this stuff and almost freezing the family jewels.


  4. Absolutely beautiful!


  5. It’s supposed to arrive here Monday. Yuck


  6. Stay warm kids!


  7. It was indeed a winter wonderland today. The snow was lighter and we had less out here in the North Central area, but I still felt like I was in a snow globe all day! And the sunset was just spectacular.


    • We didn’t get as much as they said we would — probably about 6-1/2 inches, but it’s heavy, wet snow and there’s not a breath of wind. Branches are breaking off everywhere. So far, at least we still have power. It is beautiful, though. Very snow globe indeed.


  8. Yeah .. when there’s no wind, that can cause a lot of damage. We had that situation here last year – destroyed thousands of trees, power lines …


  9. This was quite an eye opening day. The snow was beautiful.


  10. yep yep, we got about 8 inches, on top of a dirt driveway that hadnt frozen. Plowing is, to put it mildly, a bitch.
    I’d say we got off lightly, at this point…


    • So far, so good. But it’s early in February. I’ll feel better if we make it a live to March. Our driveway has crumbled and is basically dirt too. But they want tens of thousands of dollars to pave it. We could buy a nice place in Phoenix for that kind of money, so we’ll just have to make do.


  11. Is this the latest that the snow has come for a couple of winters? It is pretty but I think I’d be a bit anxious about falling branches.


    • It’s a bout a week later than last year … but February made up for it all by being the most snow in the shortest amount of time in recorded weather history. I’d like to NOT beat that record!

      Liked by 1 person

    • we had snow last year and the year before well before thanksgiving, in fact two years ago we spent T’day shoveling snow off the porch roof. yay us. So this is very late after almost no snow at all all winter. Lord only knows what we’ll get in April.


  12. Wow! You got a lot of snow!


    • Maybe 7 inches. Compared to last year when we started with 32 inches, I’d say we got off lightly.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Still much more than we had in Northern Germany… our snow was a complete joke this year, to the chagrin of photographers or kids who wanted to play in the snow 🙂 But, I know as much people who liked the little slow, like people with cars 😀


  13. It won’t last Marilyn.


  14. Just before I left the office for lunch today, big beautiful snowflakes started falling – just like a snow globe. Wouldn’t you know it – my camera was at home, and by the time I got home, the snow had stopped.


  15. Wonderful photos! We got hit my way as well. It’s pretty for now.
