I feel honored to be chosen by Cee Neuner  to participate in the Seven Day Nature Challenge.

The challenge asks I post one photo per day for a week. The subject can be anything, as long as it comes from the natural world. About 90% of my work is landscape or wildlife photography. I do side trips to architecture and portraits –and I’m always trying to get a good picture of my dogs — but overall, there’s more of Autumn, the Blackstone River, water fowl, Arizona, and sunrise and sunset.

On this seventh day of the challenge, I want to go back to the river. My river, the Blackstone and it’s tributary, the Mumford River, both of which flow through Uxbridge. There I will find wildflowers. Fields of them. Mixed with garden escapees.


Cee and I are acquainted with most of the same groups of photo bloggers and pretty much anyone I can think to nominate has already been nominated. If by some quirk of luck, you have been overlooked, please participate. Consider yourself nominated and chosen! Especially if these are the kind of pictures you usually post, it’s no stretch to just post them as part of the challenge.

Come one, come all!

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Challenges, Nature

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15 replies

  1. I love that you had pictures of seeded-out dandelions in your wildflowers post. Most people wouldn’t think to put them in there, but they are one of my favorites, even though just a weed. 🙂


  2. Your flowers just made my day, Marilyn.


  3. you always do flowers so well Marilyn!! Love them, the colors, the varieties


  4. Wonderful selection of photos – cheered me up, when I look out onto a rainy day.


  5. Beautiful florals. Simply gorgeous Marilyn 😀


  6. The colours are so vibrant!
