Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – November 16, 2016

The bridge over the Blackstone Canal, peak foliage, October 2016

The bridge over the Blackstone Canal, peak foliage, October 2016

There were a lot of wonderful paths, roads, docks, dams, and other ways to travel these past few months. All of these are favorites, but one of them is my favoritest favorite. You are free to guess which one.

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Straight to Rhode Island ...

Past our house and on to Rhode Island …

A sign to make your way

A sign to make your way

A walk on a warm day in October

Walking the little dog on a warm day in October


Walking along the old cemetery wall in the middle of town


Garry under the canopy of changing leaves

Marina - Connecticut- Curleys - Sept 2016

On the dock at the marina – one day in late September 2016


Little bridge across the small canal along the Mumford River – August 2016

72-Aldrich Street-Summer-Solstice-062116_12

Defoliated trees on Route 98 in June, 2016


Defoliated woods on the Summer Solstice, June 2016

They are predicting a little bit of snow for the end of this week, but I don’t expect it to stick to the ground or last past an hour or less. Still, it’s a warning, the proverbial “shot over the bow” telling us that it’s time to get those leaves up, the lawn equipment put away, and shake the mothballs out of the winter coats!


Dam over the Mumford River, August in late afternoon

Cee which way photo challenge

Categories: #DamsAndWaterfalls, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, Cee's Photo Challenge

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21 replies

  1. Garry got a couple of cool photos snuck in your entry. I really like your guys’ entry this week. 😀


  2. Hard to chose the favourite of favourites. It’s such lovely scenery there.


  3. Lovely scenery 🙂


  4. Such beautiful which ways I would take them all! I am not ready for the s word my friend!


  5. I think your favorite walk might be over the river, the first picture. I have been to a place called Hingham near Boston and the sights are a little similar to these there.


    • Hingham is a little more south, closer to the coast. A bit more built up than here, but still lovely. New England is just really pretty, almost everywhere. More rugged in the north, gentler down here, in the south. Not unlike old England, in a lot of ways.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. There all beautiful, my favourite is the first one, perhaps yours is the last one 🙂


  7. Some wonderful photos capturing the charm of Autumn. Tell my why those men love to take photos of our backs when we are walking? Mr. Swiss found that is a wonderful photo (so did I) – yes men stick together.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think it’s because as soon as we know they are taking our pictures, we get all self-conscious. I know i do. i start to remember I’m fat, wish I had worn some makeup (ridiculous since i almost never wear makeup anymore), wonder if I should remove my glasses, etc. etc. Easier if we aren’t looking 🙂


  8. Beautiful, thank you for taking us along with you! Really loved these pictures


  9. Definitely the seasons are changing. Lovely photos!
