Circles and squares in squares. What could be simpler? Almost anything? This was an early experiment in squaring the square. One walker on a beach, seeing the same sky over and over.

I’m not sure this is precisely what you had in mind, but I put this together just to see if I could do it.  It’s a sunrise over Ogunquit beach in Maine. About 4:30 in the morning in early September.

This is my first real try at this challenge and I’m sure it won’t be my last!

Squaring the Circle with Squared Squares

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27 replies

  1. Well done and done and done… Kudos!


  2. Unrelated to the square of squares but thinking of the subject matter inside the squares and a discussion we had earlier, part of “The Stand” takes place in Ogunquit. I don’t know how far I was into it before I actually read and saw “Ogunquit” instead of “Booth Bay Harbor”! I guess you can tell where I’d rather be if visiting the Maine coast 😉


    • Maine has always been a place to visit. We had am “annual” week in Jackman, which was beautiful but it was a terribly long drive from home and one day, we couldn’t do it anymore. I have pictures. When I was much younger, we had a cabin we borrowed on Pleasant River Lake which is in the middle of what were woods before they came and cut them all down. Everything is gone now, but I can still hear the loons calling at night.

      We have spent time in a lot of places in Maine. I liked Ogunquit — OFF season. We spent a couple of weeks at the various parts of Acadia and we have family in Machias. I like Maine. If it weren’t so very cold, we’d probably LIVE there. Well, that and I’ve got a lot of medical issues and they don’t have the specialists I need. We also have friends up in Peachum, which is too beautiful to believe, especially in late September. But the thing is, living here, in the Blackstone Valley — it’s okay. Not the coast, but beautiful in its own way. Watershed and rivers and ponds and lakes and quaint old towns that haven’t been “fixed up” yet.

      If we had to land somewhere, this is a pretty good place to have landed. Ogunquit was a brilliant sunrise and a long beach for strolling during one warm September.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My wife is from “The County” and so we spend a lot of time in Maine. Ogunquit is her favorite, but I like the “Down East” coast better. The photo you used is very nice.


  3. That’s one striking picture to begin with. It keeps repeating and inviting me there.


    • It was an interesting experiment. I don’t know if it’s something I’m going to do very often. It was a lot of slow, careful work. I need to be in a very zen place to repeat it 😀


  4. How did you do this? It’s beautiful.


    • I found one picture I liked a lot — and squared it. Then I reduced it in size to what I thought would make a good “tile.” I created a blank canvas and one at a time, copied and pasted the little pictures. I counted so I’d have the same number across and down. The canvas was slightly bigger than I needed and I flattened the tiles and trimmed the edges. It came out well, but it was rather slow work. I’m sure I could do it again. But it’s not automatic. It’s just repetitive. And it helps to REALLY like the picture!


  5. If you were to step back far enough from that image, it would look like a sparkly patterned design that is quite popular now on things like notebook covers. 4:30 AM in September…. wow! We never get to see the sun that early in the day at this lower latitude…


    • I was surprised at how much the time for sunrise and sunset changes over a single degree of latitude. Even in New York, which is just a few hundred miles south and less than 2 degrees of latitude, you don’t ever see sunrise at 4:30 in the morning.

      I really WANTED to shoot that sunrise, so I had to look up the time, then set the alarm. There were those minutes where I argued with myself. “I’m tired.” “Get up.” “I’m REALLY tired.” “Get your ass up.” “No, seriously, I need another four hours of sleep.” “GET UP, YOU WHINY BITCH.”

      I got up. It was an amazing sunrise.


  6. Congratulations you are the very first 😁

    And what a brilliant approach. Love it.


    • Well, I set these up a few days ago. If I don’t do things in advance, I don’t do them at all. I have a focus of about 30 seconds after which I forget everything 🙂


      • Sounds like me!!

        Mine isn’t going live for another hour so I’ve added a pingback to yours 😊


        • Cool 🙂 I post this time of night because I’m still awake (usually), so I can go and pick out all the typos. BIG typo queen here.


          • Do find it amazing how they slip through sometimes no matter how many times you proofread!


            • I’m just not a good proofreader. I see what I expect to see and not what is necessarily there. I don’t have that problem with pictures, but I’m really bad with text. Sometimes, I make SO many mistakes, I’m surprised to find words that are NOT typos.


              • Don’t think you are alone in this.


                • Anyone who writes has this problem, at least when proofing his or her OWN work. Especially when it is something you’ve been working on for a long time. You have it memorized. You really don’t see that this word should be “It” but it’s “if” or some other little word that doesn’t belong. And sometimes, my fingers type words that are homonyms — or have absolutely NOTHING to do with the rest of the text, as if my hands have minds of their own. I still don’t get that one.


                • Feet and hands definitely have minds of their own!!


  7. “I think she’s got it!”

    Liked by 1 person


  1. March Square | The life of B
  2. A Square Retrospective – 2018 – The life of B