It will be spring this month, though in this climate, it won’t feel like spring for at least another month. Not usually, anyway. The climate has been so peculiar, you never really know for sure what you will get. But typically, March is really winter, with the Vernal Equinox showing up towards the end of the month.

I seem to forget that. My birthday is March 11th and for a variety of irrational reasons, I think of it as being a “spring” birthday. It isn’t. March is the end of winter and often, the wildest weather of the season as the warmer weather tries to upset the entrenched cold of winter. Still, we are closer. Much closer. With a little luck, maybe we are done with snow. Sunshine and a few early flowers would be very lovely.

Share Your World – February 26, 2018

What are you reading right now?

During the day, I’m finally reading Jack Finney’s “Time and Again.” It’s a book I’m surprised I haven’t read before. At night, I’m re-reading “Lord of the Rings.” Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merri along with Aragorn are shortly to arrive in Rivendell. They have just discovered that Gandolf has gone missing.

I’ve read LOTR half a dozen times — audio and as text — but it has been quite a while since I read it last. In between, I saw all the movies when they came out. I don’ t know why I decided to read it again. Maybe I just needed that beautiful writing and memories of Middle Earth.

What was your first adult job?

I was the continuity director for WHLI. At the time it was an AM-FM station doing a bit of new music, mostly older music. News. Advertisements. I kept the logs we had to turn into the FCC — on paper — because there weren’t any computers yet.

I also wrote the advertisements and it was here that I realized I had a bit of a flair for PR and advertising. Before this, I was sure I was going to write Great Novels. After this, I thought I might write Great Advertising. Or both. Who knew I was really going to write Great Technical Documentation?

 What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?

It used to be oatmeal, but I don’t eat cereal anymore. I can’t even remember the last time I had any. It must be years.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

I took Garry’s blood pressure and without any medication — it was NORMAL. That is very good news.

Categories: #Photography, Books, Personal

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5 replies

  1. Our grandson has a birthday on March 11th, a good friend of mine has one on the 12th of March and our younger son has his birthday on March 13th so you are in good company Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My son gave me Lord of the Rings as a gift and I read it. I enjoyed it very much, but an not sure if I would tackle it again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m listening to it this time. They guy who reads it is truly one of the best readers I’ve ever heard. I don’t think he ever did anything but this one book. Otherwise, he was a British stage actor. I don’t think I could read that many pages of anything again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • -Cream of wheat was my favorite hot breakfast cereal.
        -Sugar Frosted Flakes topped cold breakfast cereal list.
        -Reading: Martha Kennedy’s tome about dogs and mountain climbing; Bob Schieffer’s “This Just In”.
        -First ADULT job – ABC NETWORK RADIO NEWS. writer, producer, rookie reporter.
