Kammie’s Oddball Challenge 10/11/18

If ever I run short of oddball photos, remind me to visit my car dealer. The guy who owns it is a collector. He collects a lot of stuff for charity, but he also collects things all kind of car-related stuff. He sells almost everything that could be considered an American car, and a few things that aren’t. He has to have the most entertaining interior of any car dealer anywhere.

The Blues Brother, hanging out

He also collects a lot of movie star life-size period images. Elvis and the Blues Brothers. The Sinatra band. Cars that were made to order and have nearly disappeared.

Plymouth Prowler from below

Plymouth Prowler, up in the air!

The last time I was there for any length of time, we were buying a car, so I was a bit distracted, but this time — back in hopes of getting that all-important second key for the car, I was ready to do a little shooting.

An engine in use as an end table in the lounge

Kammie’s Oddball Challenge

Categories: #Photography, Cars and Trucks, Paths

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13 replies

  1. These are so fun!!!! I’d definitely go justvto shoot pics!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting and odd ball to be sure! 🙂 Fascinating really.


  3. Can you imagine, an engine for an end table? I think a cello would make a nice coffee table. The neck part might be a bit if a problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like a fun place to visit. A museum of sorts!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. He really does have some interesting objects
