A Photo a Week Challenge: Through Glass

I take a lot of pictures through glass probably because I live in a land of snow, ice, rain, and mud — conditions which sometimes make going out to take pictures less than pleasant.

But to deal with the bad weather, we have doors and windows.

Two dogs looking through the picture window. They too enjoy watching, even on a very lovely, but chilly day.

Autumn window from the kitchen

Autumn from the front 

Gibbs, Duke, and a window

And taking pictures through them is one of the ways I cope with recovering from something, or inclement weather.

Categories: #foliage, #Photography, glass, Photo A Week Challenge, Windows

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11 replies

  1. You have some wonderful views from your home. It might be (is) far away from everything but having nature THIS close must count for something. Love all those glorious shots – and naturally, NOW is the best time of the year with the leaves in their autumn frocks and the low sun – eagerly followed by your bundle of 4-pawed pets….. Enjoy it – and I repeat myself by saying: Clean windows are vastly overrated. Just ask me!!!


  2. OMG I so love that shot out your window with all the beautiful leaves in the background acting as a frame!


  3. Those windows play an important part in most of our lives. Too bad the climate doesn’t co-operate.


  4. I love your view!!


  5. Upon closer examination, I know it’s not, but the 3rd photo looks upside down to me. either that or I’m upside down 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ben, I just looked at that pic again. Upside down — or I’ve had too much sniffin’ glue today.


    • I think you can take your cue from the Venetian blinds and curtains up top. Or, maybe you ARE upside down.


      • Actually, I finally looked beyond the window and into the yard/woods, outside at the tree trunks. Now it makes more sense. It’s just that whatever is hanging from the ceiling looks like it should be rising from the floor? But it’s all in silhouette and so can’t be really identified clearly, hence the confusion. I still think I’m really upside down…?


  6. You get some interesting shots with glass and often they are the lucky ones
