COMPARING SEASONS – Marilyn Armstrong

Weekly Photo Challenge: Comparison

Two weeks ago, we were still hoping to get a bit more autumn, but before we were finished hoping, it was snowing. Snowing? Before Thanksgiving? It produced the coldest Thanksgiving holiday ever.

Even though it has warmed up a bit today, by tomorrow, it will be bitterly cold again.

House in summer

October at home in Uxbridge

Photo: Garry Armstrong –Winter at home

No pictures of spring because that’s a season we don’t really get. It’s winter, then suddenly, summer.

Categories: #Photography, Autumn, Gardens, snow, Weather, Winter

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13 replies

  1. Lovely photos of a beautiful place.


  2. Im so glad Im not the only one who hates shoveling snow. Stay warm brrrrrrr


  3. Much prefer the summer and the October photos, Marilyn.


  4. love seeing the different season surrounding your home Marilyn


  5. What a beautiful place to live. The winter scene is so picturesque.


  6. The winter scape is storybook perfect. 👌
