In Full Bloom – FOTD – 12/7/2018

This is probably the biggest blossoming this cactus has ever had. Each day, I find another bud has opened and it is so beautiful!

The cactuses are backed against the dining room French doors … which is right in front of the bird and squirrel feeders. Sometimes, it’s so amazing, I’m not sure what I should shoot first.

On a sunny day like today, when there’s plenty of light and the windows are clean, it’s a brilliant, joyful choice to make.

In full bloom

I shot everything and I do mean EVERYTHING. I shot so much that I spent this entire day processing and just didn’t have the strength of character to go out and shoot some more. So tomorrow.

Presenting also the first shots of this year’s Christmas tree. Because the season has arrived!

Merry Christmas, Good Chanukah and throw in any holiday you celebrate. I’m good with everything!

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Christmas, Christmas cactus, Flower of the day

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10 replies

  1. They’re lovely Marilyn.


  2. Your cactus and tree are both beautiful 😀


  3. I love the blooms on your tree – so bright! They almost look like red bows! 😉

    It’s a great feeling when a plant FINALLY decides to reciprocate and pays you back for all the worry and care you give to them! 🙂


  4. Congratlations. After my christmas cactus tried to commit Hari Kiri, it is refusing to open the buds


  5. Lovely blooms. And a charming tree.
