ESAU WAS A HAIRY MAN … Presented by Marilyn Armstrong

These may be the funniest guys ever … except for maybe Monty Python … sometimes Mel Brooks … and Carl Reiner … 

These guys were first and somehow, they are just perfect, even today.

So in this passage, we explain that being hirsute is offensive to God. And from this …

You may put away your bibles. Don’t forget to drop some money in the basket.

Categories: god and gods, good-and-evil

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12 replies

  1. I never knew about Alan Bennett, before!


  2. What an accent! When you think about it the Biblical story was all about deception and birth right. It would be a good one to use in a parody.


  3. Love Alan Bennett. Just read the latest volume of his diaries.


  4. Those “Beyond the Fringe” guys are still funny to this day. Too bad not many have had the pleasure of laughing to them. These bits may be a bit too cerebral, and British, for modern audiences.., maybe even insulting to to the religious right?
