FOWC with Fandango — Whistle

Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart (1944)

“Just put your lips together and BLOW!,” she said.

He blew.

Note: Lauren Bacall’s “real” name was Betty Persky, but Humphrey Bogart’s name was Humphrey Bogart, Jr.

Categories: #FOWC, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, film, Marilyn Armstrong, Movies, Mystery and Thrillers, old movies

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22 replies

  1. And in those days an effort was made to keep the names neutral. No ‘foreign sounding names’ –which covered a LOT of territory, and unless you were a comedic actor, you got a name that was more ‘suitable”. Judy Garland, for instance, was Frances Gumm.

    Found this, it’s obvious why the names were changed, partly for simplicity sake: Let’s face it, Leonard Slye sounds more like a raggedy looking gangster than a singing cowboy, right?

    1. Frederic Austerlitz: Fred Astaire
    2. Benjamin Kubelsky: Jack Benny
    3. Edward Israel Iskowitz: Eddie Cantor
    4. Lucille Fay LeSueur: Joan Crawford
    5. Harry Lillis Crosby: Bing Crosby
    6. Frank James Cooper: Gary Cooper
    7. Ruth Elizabeth Davis: Bette Davis
    8. Milton Berlinger: Milton Berle
    9. Nathan Birnbaum: George Burns
    10. Doris Kappelhoff: Doris Day
    11. Frances Smith: Dale Evans
    12. Leonard Slye: Roy Rogers
    13. Norma Jean Baker: Marilyn Monroe
    14. Frances Gumm: Judy Garland
    15. Archibald Leach: Cary Grant
    16. Margarita Cansino: Rita Hayworth
    17. Joseph Levitch: Jerry Lewis
    18. Dino Crocetti: Dean Martin
    19. Ruby Stevens: Barbara Stanwyck
    20. Julia Jean Turner: Lana Turner
    21. Marion Morrison: John Wayne
    22. Bernard Schwartz: Tony Curtis
    23. William Beedle: William Holden
    24. William Henry Pratt: Boris Karloff
    25. Béla Blaskó: Bela Lugosi
    26. Asa Yoelson: Al Jolson


  2. I must be defective because it doesn’t work for me. I can not whistle. At all. Never have, and I guess I never will…


  3. I loved that movie! It, for me, is timeless!


  4. Bogart and Bacall were a great pairing in movies and offscreen despite the age difference.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Some how Lauren Bacall sounds better than Betty Persky.

    Liked by 1 person