A PASSAGE OVER WATER – Marilyn Armstrong


In the I Ching, a passage is not just a passage. A passage over water means something different than a passage over a mountain or across a meadow. Each movement carries its own specific message for you.

I was never very good at deciphering it.

Passage over water usually means a long journey to another country. It doesn’t have to mean “real water,” either. It merely implies “a long trip.” Someone in Israel taught me to read the I Ching. I don’t remember who it was. I was never very good at it anyway. It usually made more sense after it happened than it did in the original reading.

Still, I remember that passage over water. I was thinking of vacations to distant lands. Maybe a trip home to visit family. That was definitely over water — an entire ocean.

It turned out to be leaving Israel and never coming back to live there. I did return once to work, but that trip was even more unreal because it landed me back in Boston two days before 9/11.

Thus whenever I hear the word “passage,” I remember the journey back to the United States, I recall leaving behind everything I’d accumulated during the 9 years I lived there. Some of it came back, but most didn’t. It made Israel a trip that lost its reality quickly. I had no photographs or items that meant something special. My friends were gone and I only saw just one of them ever again.

In less time than I had spent living there, it became distant, misty, and unreal. And now, with all the changes that have occurred, it is even further away than it was before.

Categories: #Photography, Daily Prompt, Israel, Paths, Travel

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8 replies

  1. Amazing isn’t it? The passage of time or distance can make such a major change in our lives! Our thinking, even our emotions!


  2. I know the passages as described by Pat. Or I read passage as a rite. A certain time in our life, not even necessarily from A to B but from one point (of anything) to another. I also understand it as the time of growing from a child to a woman, as example…. a word with more meanings than we might expect to see.


  3. As long as they aren’t “troubled waters”….


  4. everything changes Marilyn, whats, the I ching by the way, thanks

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