First square, the first light of dawn

It’s a square New Year, my friends. Even though these pictures look more or less identical to ones I took before Christmas, this is a new dawn. A different sunrise with fresh early light. The problem is that pictures taken from my deck tend to look the same, depending on the time of year.

In the summer is all leaves and you really can’t see much beyond the fence rail and the bird feeders. In the winter, after the leaves have fallen, you see the same trees against the lighter sky. It doesn’t matter whether I take the picture from the kitchen, dining room, or bedroom. Same woods. Same trees. And remarkably, an almost identical sky. These seem to be our local dawn color combo.

First light of day, first frame on the chip

One day I’ll get something different, but so far, unless it’s raining, cloudy, or snowing, this is pretty much it. No matter how hard I try, I can’t come up with something unique. Same old sky. Same colors. Same trees. But isn’t it lovely?

Categories: #Photography, Dawn, Light and Lights, Marilyn Armstrong, square, Sunrise

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20 replies

  1. I’ll take a tree image any day over a tweet. Happy New Year


  2. Lovely – first light…


  3. Keep going with your same old dawn, I just wish mine was as interesting. Its the first one of the year and a beautiful one. Enjoy many more as the year progresses and may you and the family have a good one.


  4. It sure is. May every day be lovely.


  5. And wishing you both a very Happy New Year!


  6. So beautiful, I love it! It is so pretty! It is lovely.
