BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON #17 – Marilyn Armstrong

By the light of the moon

The sky is grey with snow expected, but it might be rain. it’s supposed to get cold. January is normally our coldest month, except it has been springtime warm. I don’t have any flowers blooming, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people with better gardens are seeing very early buds. I also think the birds are breeding. Many of the ladies have a big belly in which I think there are eggs. I worry about a sudden cold snap, but I can’t do anything about the weather except to keep the feeders full.

Whatever has been predicted, you don’t know what will happen until you get up in the morning and look out the window. As far as light goes, I have long thought that ALL photography is about light. Just saying.

Given all of that, time to hit the archives!

Full Harvest Moon – Sept. 2016

Super Moon Dec. 2016

Sept. 2016 – Full Harvest Moon

It’s pretty hard to get a good shot of the sky from our property. The Super Moon was taken in a parking lot after a movie, but the others are from our deck.


Categories: #Photography, Light and Lights, Marilyn Armstrong, moon, square

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6 replies

  1. It looks so mysterious.


  2. The moon looks huge in these. Well the moon is big obviously but it doesn’t always look it in photos.


    • The Harvest moon usually looks huge. It’s the location in the sky, low over land or sea. The super-moon was supposed to look big. It was just two nights and it only happens every 40 or 50 years. But also, any full moon that hangs low over the land looks big. You just need the right lens to grab it, although not nearly as long a lens as I thought you needed. Once I tried it with a very long lens and it was so bright, it was blurry!

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